$10,000 CASH TRANSACTION BAN!, page-3

  1. 7,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166
    I think this is worrying. How long before $10k becomes $1k as a precedent in law is set.

    The basis of what is happening here shouldn’t be lost on people. We are been systematically undermined by our own leaders.

    Banks now have so much influence world wide it is unstoppable. Unless somebody with a conscience puts a stop to it and legislates against this wanton corruption.

    To be honest most people won’t get this now, but they will in the future. We are already beholden to these corrupt idiots (banks) across almost all facets of our lives. This is the start of the ‘no-cash’ push and then we are in big trouble.

    1) They corrupt markets and wantonly create bubbles to make more cash from recoveries whilst society is raped and pillaged by this colossal financial robbery.
    2) They collide internally to make money for themselves and powerful outside parties to the detriment of the public
    3) They have to be used just to get paid and then charge you for the privilege
    4) you cannot do a transaction overseas without charges at both ends. Total time and effort to affect that transaction 0.5mS and Zero.
    5) ....and now it seems the final push so that all transactions are processed by them.

    They have society by the short and curlies. And look how many pollies go into lucrative positions, post political life, with banks and financial institutions.

    Outrageous. Society is ‘Cattle Trucked’.
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