@Sailor FNQ; every country has a choice as to how it distributes the wealth generated by its workers.
In Australia's case under the Coalition in particular we've decided to $Feed the $Greed of our wealthiest 5% - concentrating wealth generated by workers into the coffers of parasitic multi-millionaires and billionaires and especially those who reject calling Australia 'home' and who lived in the USA or in Israel.
Other far more egalitarian and futures-focused countries such as Sweden have chosen very different outcomes - instead of concentrating wealth up the pyramid they've invested in the collective futures of their entire society.
While our $Greed-$Feeders self-masturbate over campaigns aimed at making $Billionaires wealthier and by delivering a bottomless gravy train of dividends to those who actually own US corporations by screwing Australia, countries such as Sweden have progressed beyond a fair income for all to recognise and to embrace the contributions grandparents make to their society: