10 things i hate about you

  1. 100 Posts.
    A letter to Kevin Rudd and his Labour Party

    1. I hate the way you look 85% like Mr. Sheen, yet only manage to be 5% as capable and useful at ANYTHING

    2. I hate the way you talk down to Australians in a belligerent and arrogant manner, when you are the one who is in fact stupid; possibly surpassed only by Wayne Swann.

    3. I hate the way you think the best way to boost a slowing economy in some of the most tumultuous times ever is with a $900 gift to Australians (not even all of them) who have no clue what to do with it other than pay their debts off, all the while having ZERO effect on the GDP. Anyone who thinks that our GDP rose on the back of that $900 issuance, and NOT the rebounding commodities prices and Chinese GDP growth belong in a mental institution listening to Achy Breaky Heart on repeat for all of eternity.

    4. I hate the way you clearly have NO sound knowledge of how an economy works, and your belief that the best way to sure up an economy is to rape and pillage Australias strongest industry The Mining Sector then redistribute said monies into our weakest sectors, intimating all the while that youre redistributing money to Australian mums and dads, when in reality youre devaluing their superannuation before asking them to work longer for it, exacerbating it all further by creating an unemployment nightmare and slowing the economy to a trickle. For the record, BHP is 65% Australian owned (A statistic proven by BHP themselves), and Australians have the highest share ownership in the world, so anyone who thinks a failing stock market only affects the traders is sorely mistaken. Moreover youre going to cost jobs as large cap miners re-evaluate their tax and cost situation thanks to your supremely well considered RSPT (Resource Super Profits Tax), and ultimately determine that halting expansion projects and the thousands they employ is the only way to ensure long term competitiveness. Just look at Fortescue Metals Groups announcement that they are halting 2 of their 3 expansion projects indefinitely until this is resolved. Bye-bye thousands of jobs. How are you going to pay for these Mr. Rudd? This is a Government that believes the right strategy for a country looking to rebound from economic lows and crippling debt is to take money from our best performing sector and give it to our worst performing sectors, who are in fact MORE foreign owned that the mining sector! You may be right that were a two speed economy Mr. Rudd, but youre about to make us a one speed economy.

    5. I hate how youve lost sight of how any decision can have serious implications BEYOND the incidence. Yes, Mr. Rudd, its true. You do one thing, and you think it has only one result? Come back from your dream land. This tax WILL increase Australias regulatory and sovereign risk to the point where it is no longer viable as an investment for global corporations. BHPs effective tax rate will soar to 57% after the introduction of this tax, compared to 40% in the U.S and 38% in Brazil. Where do you think investors will go? Dont be naive to the fact that we will suffer complete economic rigamortis as we decay firstly in the resource sector, followed by a total economic slowdown as the effects follow-on; ALSO Mr. Rudd or whichever Labour Party incumbent is next, will likely attempt to halt this negative progress by yep, you guessed it, another Super Profits Tax, this time on Banks. How do you think we will go then? He really will have no choice by that point, so it seems fairly obvious. Taxing Banks has been a vote gainer in the past, so why not again! Makes about as much sense as the $900 stimulus package.

    6. I hate that youre making me write so much. Just stop being such a political dipshit and work your life out. Hand over the reins before someone shanks you in the street.

    7. I hate now the most effective trading strategy is to short our most profitable companies, ignore those posting improved profit results (Westpac for example) and go long on our weakest sectors who will benefit most yet have no real effect on GDP as most profits channel OUT of this country.

    8. I hate the fact that still not enough people can actually SEE your criminal ineptitude, nor smell the torrid stench of political failure youre emitting. What more do they need to finally say, YOURE FIRED?! I am sick to death of the arguments, when the facts are clear as day. The Rudd Government has failed even with a war chest budget surplus that they were left with and the absolutely bulletproof resource sector. As a government they have alienated the very reason we were in such a position to withstand the mudslide that was the GFC Mk1. If another comes, and believe me, it will, we will be now ill-equipped to deal with it. We make fun of the PIGS nations (Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain), however it is they who will have the last laugh at our expense if were not careful.

    9. I hate that even today, youre not willing to admit your heinous mistake and simply take it back! I will hold you and your Government in a much higher regard, Mr. Rudd, for that level of integrity and political nous. Sometimes it is more than acceptable to accept a mistake and move on to correct the folly. It is never too late, so cmon, lets do this!

    10. I hate that I hate you, your government and anything thats related to it. I hate hating anything, but youve left me no choice. Let's get out of this quagmire and look to pastures green. Kevin07 out in 2011!


    Disgruntled Australian

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