The candidate requesting the recount is required to pay for the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    The candidate requesting the recount is required to pay for the cost.

    Trump is required to make payment in advance.

    This is why he is selecting individual counties rather than entire states, the cost is lower.

    Trump knows the recounts will not alter any voting totals in his favour sufficient to change the results.

    That is not his purpose. He is initiating court challenges solely to delay states from proceeding to final certification of a Biden win. The idea is that if he can delay certification past the December 8 deadline, he can get Republican governors in states thatBiden has won, to appoint Trump friendly electors to the slate who will vote that state’s electoral college votes to Trump despite Biden having won the popular vote in that state.

    This truly desperate and dangerous stuff. If there was any lingering doubt that Trump is and always has been, not a fit and proper person to be POTUS, then his desperate behaviour now dispels that doubt.

    Trump is prepared to destroy American democracy to avoid being kicked out and having to face a raft of legal and financial problems.

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