Haha ha what a funny question 100K what to do with it? that...

  1. 209 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 103
    Haha ha what a funny question 100K what to do with it? that would depend upon all upon your age and other income
    We shall assume 30 - and a good job covering outgoings to live.
    10k Into a Cash Savings account
    10K into highly speculative mining shares spread over say 5 different companies. Learning curve needs to be step here but should be fun. Never hesitate to sell at a loss and always sell some on the way up.. As soon as you feel greedy sell them don't try to make the top.
    80K slowly leak buy in drips some basic top 100 companies that you like and sort of understand that pay a dividend. take your time check out the yield curves and how constant are the divys look at WOW, BHP and yes the banks everyone avoiding them so the price drops but are they paying a 4% div, i personnel would avoid telstra as their business is under attach from TECH, some tech companies might be good. But say spread it out over 5 to 8 companies over say two sectors. and allow yourself 6 months to a year to fully invest. Happy learning.

    Now the winning concept is WHICH BLOODY ONES
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