11 yo shoots 8 yo, page-53

  1. 17,289 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 511
    and again I say to you jantimot that you keep coming back to switzerland despite the fact that they defy the data in a couple but not all respects. Perhaps there are other reasons for the lower murder rates....maybe less poverty or ethnic tension for example. Whatever it doesn't matter because there is already nearly one gun for every man, woman and child in the US and the death rate by guns is out of control. No other country has anywhere near the rate of gun ownership as the US and no other country has anywhere near the gun death rate. If gun proliferation and not gun control is the answer then how many more guns per capita do they need?? Does every 6 year old need to be sent off to school with a six shooter on each hip?? Would that make it safer?? Occam's razor needs to be applied here and Occam's razor suggests to me that the lower overall murder rate in li'l old Switzerland is an anomaly and cannot be accredited to an increase in gun ownership. The weight of evidence that gun ownership is proportional to gun violence is overwhelming and undeniable.
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