118 years ago "saturday 25 january 1896", page-35

  1. 15,738 Posts.

    Talk about manipulated temperatures!

    The BOM lists Adelaides hottest day as Jan 12th 1939 with a temp of 46.1 degrees.

    Check the Advertiser printed on Jan 13th 1939. It tells the truth, giving us a temperature of 47.6.

    Our wonderful scientists have taken 1.5 degrees from our hottest day and placed the lower temperature on the official record.

    No wonder its now easier to break records!

    That same 1939 article lists a 1858 temperature of 46.8 and another Jan 1939 temperature of 47.1. Each of these high readings has been obliterated from the record by our eager scientists.

    Back in 1858 there were 9 consecutive days above the old 100 degree mark. No doubt that is also expunged from the official record.

    Oh what games are played in the name of science!!!!
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