- 12 warning signs of fascism -, page-5

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    re: 12 warning signs of fascism- click photos & re Sure am

    Dub me ol mate....there is a war going on and you in your shell believe we can just waddle along acting like nothing is happening.

    You see that the bad guys get to lope around doing whatever they want with no extra survellience

    Give em legal rights

    Catch em and see if they can get off.

    No additional legislation to deal with their acts

    No extra powers to be given to deal with their insanity

    Geeezz.....have a look at what went down in WW1 & 2 regarding curtailment of "basic" human freedoms and rights

    If they had the electronic and database knowledge of today...exactly the same - probably more - restrictions would have existed

    And squeaky hinges like you lot would be seen for what they are

    People who in their intellegentsia batmobiles give aid and succorance to the enemies.

    In fact dub, I'd hazard a guess and say you really struggle to define the scourge and viri of the fundamnetal mulsim even AS an enemy, dont ya???

    Yeah I know what you think of that but hey, what you think REALLY doesnt matter to me beyond the sound of these clicks on my keyboard.
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