13 members labour team ineligible, page-6

  1. 58,089 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    OK a news item just appeared on this;
    Tuesday November 20, 03:44 PM
    Newhouse ALP bid not valid: Liberals
    The Liberal Party has foreshadowed a possible legal challenge if Labor's George Newhouse defeats Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull in the marginal Sydney seat of Wentworth.

    Liberal frontbencher Andrew Robb says his party has legal advice that Mr Newhouse's candidacy is invalid.

    Mr Robb said a further search has revealed another 12 Labor candidates have question marks over their validity as candidates, raising the possibility of a spate of by-elections if challenges were upheld.

    Opponents have questioned Mr Newhouse's candidacy, saying he failed to resign on time from the NSW Consumer Trader and Tenancy Tribunal before nominations for Wentworth closed on November 2.

    Mr Newhouse insists his candidacy is valid but Mr Robb says legal advice to the Liberal Party says otherwise.

    "The legal opinion was provided to the NSW division of the Liberal party and Mr (Sandy) Street SC is absolutely categoric in his advice that there would be a need for a by-election if Mr Newhouse is elected for the federal seat of Wentworth," Mr Robb told reporters in Melbourne.

    "In other words Mr Newhouse is not eligible to be elected.

    "Mr Newhouse continues to refuse to release relevant documentation to clarify his eligibility."

    Under electoral law, a candidate must not be receiving payment from any office of profit under the crown for at least 24 hours before the Australian Electoral Commission's (AEC) formal declaration of a nomination.

    The commission declared the nominations on November 2.

    Mr Robb said there were also anomalies with 12 other Labor candidates.

    "Based on investigative public records searches it would appear that the eligibility of a further 12 Labor Party candidates may be in doubt.

    "This is based on the requirement that to be validly nominated for the federal parliament a candidate must be free of any disqualifying characteristics."

    Mr Robb said the Liberal Party had not informed the AEC of its findings but said the issue of eligibility could be easily resolved if candidates produced the relevant documentation.

    It remains to be seen what is valid and what is not but IMO the Australian public will not take kindly to any party that involves itself in such nit picking exercises. Aussies have a tendency to support those they see as being discriminated against on technicalities.

    Dave R.
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