15 reasons against carbon tax

  1. 2,088 Posts.
    1. There is no mandate for the carbon tax. It was expressly singled out by Gillard during the last election as a no-go, which helped save her government.

    2. The tax will have almost zero effect on global carbon dioxide emissions.

    3. It is a tax on everything, as higher energy costs flow through the economy.

    4. It is regressive, harming households and small businesses on tight budgets.

    5. It is a massive exercise in tax churning.

    6. It does not address the structural inefficiencies in the energy sector.

    7. It is a prelude to a emissions trading scheme, a derivatives market.

    8. Large-scale carbon trading is inherently vulnerable to fraud, manipulation and speculation, as seen in Europe.

    9. It will introduce a new layer of complexity to the economy.

    10. It ignores significant energy savings possible without a punitive tax.

    11. The federal government has an abysmal record in delivering large-scale interventions.

    12. Australia contributes about 1.5 per cent of global carbon emissions and any local measures will be irrelevant without a global carbon tax regime.

    13. It will not introduce certainty to energy pricing as promised.

    14. Solar and wind power generation are prohibitively expensive and cannot meet baseload power needs.

    15. The tax represents a massive transfer of wealth and power to the bureaucratic class which benefits most from a new labyrinth of compliance and compulsion.

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/politics/the-great-carbon-chasm-that-could-swallow-gillard-whole-20110424-1dstv.html#ixzz1KWwX78Qx
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