tax payers are australians the country can only be a nation if...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    tax payers are australians

    the country can only be a nation if it looks after itself

    we sell off australia - some of the proceeds can go to looking after australians

    and the more you look after your people, the more they look after you

    if you look to what many other nations do with things like housing - welfare housing, emergency housing etc - and have larger taxes - take Norway

    they believe that you house your people first - then, people work for their country - and, that's precisely what happens

    germany - has free education - for anyone who wants to go there - why? because they know that people - enough will stay - and the nation harnesses that educated force - so, it houses them as well

    many places have a vastly different belief system to australia where australians always think -

    who pay? - and 'it's my tax money'

    It's the same with women AND men and domestic violence - if there's nowhere for one to escape to because there's 1, nowhere and 2, if there were but someone can't afford it - then, where do they go? they sleep in their car or they stay

    Here's the ladder

    1. Violence is a reaction to an emotional state

    2. An emotional state is created inside a set of conditions

    3. The set of conditions

    Society can't stop the violence
    Society can't stop the emotion
    Society CAN change some of the conditions

    In changing some of the conditions - society makes a better nation for all of it's people

    and all of it's people benefit

    the question should not be 'who pays' --------- the question should be 'who pays if we don't

    and the answer is 'us'

    People by now should have noticed just a little that some things in Australia are running down - and if they stop and think for just a few minutes - they just might work out that, no - it's actually been sliding for a while - not just under Albo and Co

    and no - all of a sudden, humans have not turned 'violent' ----------- the don't go from just peacefully sitting about in the park - and --------------- whoosh, turn violent

    they turn violent because they are emoted

    they are emoted by some condition or set of conditions ------------ so, look to the conditions.

    And there you find a list that I put up earlier.
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