17 yo stabs and kills 10 yo sister, page-50

  1. 86,165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    absolutely spot on

    I've said a bazillion times - it's not how much that a country taxes ----------- it's what the country spends it on

    Australia has been such a waste ----------- when Whitlam started free education -

    the system was swamped with Ozzies who wanted an education - so much so that the system couldn't cope

    such a pity that it was cut away and cut away - because it's what Australia needed - and I say that Australia of close enough to all the countries I know - would have benefitted massively from it - because Aussies ARE different - they think differently -

    and it is different thinking that makes huge discoveries ----------------- but, we lost that opportunity.

    We lost it because of a mix of basically selfishness and hatred - we just don't like to see people getting 'something for nothing'

    and that is where our thinking and culture is deeply flawed -

    because we need to spread fertilizer around. Only from that do little things grow into big things.

    For the 'get a haircut and get a job' mob --------------- that story about Terry Rudolph is in reality - quite amazing ----------- he's what every bonehead would have hated -

    and yet - look at the results

    ''Terry Rudolph was forced into a basic science degree by cruel parents, who failed to appreciate the merits of him becoming a pro squash player. Studying Physics and Mathematics (they seemed the hardest), he attended six lectures over three years. The final lecture, Advanced Quantum Theory, ruined Terry’s intellectual happiness (for 20+ years) by presenting a proof of quantum nonlocality.
    A year of backpacking found him penniless and sleeping on a street in downtown Toronto, at which point a PhD seemed like a reasonable alternative.
    Fortunately his PhD mother was extremely lax and let him study the nascent field of quantum information. As an early adopter little talent was required to become an expert, so he began teaching the topic at the University of Toronto. After time as a postdoc in Vienna and facilitating the collapse of Bell Labs’ basic research group from within, he came to Imperial on an Advanced Fellowship where he continued his exponential decay into a normal academic state.''

    there's some really big movers who many would have said 'get a haircut and get a job' ----------- Steve Jobs, probably Bill Gates -

    they all were searching on where to fit ------- A nation needs to support them - lest - it loses most of them.

    Australia almost loses ALL of them ------------ who wins?

    Usually America - or some places in Europe
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