I think i mentioned it before. There should never be any...

  1. 10,273 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 998
    I think i mentioned it before. There should never be any conflict between the religion and the country. I think i specified that. If you mean IS, i think you know my position. I would be a bigger target than you mate due to me being classified as a heretic of Islam by the radicals. Goes to prove my point that some are never appeased. Never mind. the irony is if you didn't know my religion, you wouldn't think i'm not an aussie by the way i talked, walked and behaved. You would also see that through my work i help a lot of injured australians and have worked in the RAAF as a contractor for 3 years. I have met many servicemen and women. If i supported the concept that Islam was at war with Australia and i had issues with it in the future, would i have the conscience to help the members?
    If Australia was attacked i would be compelled to defend this nation. However, would i wage war on another nation because the PM said so. John Howard's recent explanation on Iraq 2003 and the false premise to cause a regime change verifies that not all intelligence and actions can be blindly accepted. Let me ask
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