...and that's where you're wrong, yakmaggot!Only cowardly...

  1. 4,434 Posts.
    ...and that's where you're wrong, yakmaggot!
    Only cowardly little-diks like you would froth at the mouth about bravery and heroism while all along shove your heads up your rear ends. Only cowardly little snigering shits like you, who spend all of their "recreation time" perving through gay sites and making up profiles to suit their fantasy would gloat about their deluded strength and ability, their distorted view of how things are and how things will be.
    Senile? No need to pester little ol' women, yakshlt. You're even more feeble -both in body and mind- than them!
    As for nazi behaviour, every syllable you utter comes straight out of their "How To Murder" book!

    Sickening piece of filth!

    Keep flicking through the gay mags. You never know you just might get an erection -what with all the prostate problems you've got. Fuking drug addict aRseHole!
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