1st Aboriginal Covid-19 Death Is One Too Many! '000's More...

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    1st Aboriginal Covid-19 Death Is One Too Many! '000's More Deaths Likely. Who Accepts Responsibility For Loss To A Nation?
    31st August 2021: White Man Killed-Off Aboriginals 200+ Years Ago, By Guns & Diseases! 2021 It's Happening Again...

    This week, 1st Nations 1st Aboriginal died-some would say killed by white man's negligence-from Covid-19 Delta disease.

    Figures provided on Monday showed just 31% of Aboriginal people in Dubbo had received their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccine and 9% were fully vaccinated – less than half the 64.5% first dose rate for the broader population of the Dubbo local government area.

    Across the western local health district, 55% of people have received their first dose and 26% have received their second dose.

    Currently 561 active cases of Covid-19 in the western local health district of NSW, 65% of whom are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

    This is a total failure of political leadership.

    In NSW by Premier Gladys Berejiklian's failure to inoculate both the NSW citizens, especially the most vulnerable-Aboriginals.

    Nationally by Prime Minister Scott Morrison who failed to order enough required vaccines on time due to incompetence & political ego cum self-preservation.

    1st Aboriginal death is one too many! It's just a matter of time before nationally one becomes '000's of Aboriginal deaths...

    Who cares?

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