PDN 4.31% $8.23 paladin energy ltd

Sorry Big JoeI didnt read down far enough. Each time I log on...

  1. 215 Posts.
    Sorry Big Joe

    I didnt read down far enough. Each time I log on and look, the posts are so negative I don't look far. Looks like I found the same article as you.

    The debt issue is interesting. Apart from a sell off, equity raising was a logical choice.
    -and in times of uncertainty coupled with low spot prices for uranium, it made sense to do a private placement and it costs less to raise the equity this way.

    Debt for an asset rich company is more suitable then raising equity but this company has a need to restructure the debt to equity balance. Unfortunately the private placement has taken $300m off the market value.....


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Mkt cap ! $3.283B
Open High Low Value Volume
$8.58 $8.87 $8.23 $53.73M 6.321M

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4 39009 $8.23

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Price($) Vol. No.
$8.27 500 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 03/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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