$2 billion clean energy fund!, page-2

  1. 14,166 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    $4 billion to buy nothing but trouble:
    "Insane. Spending billions to shut down cheap sources of energy, and spending billions more to create expensive forms that will price us out of competition:"

    How are the people going to get power? It's one thing to be all warm and fuzzy about doing something, but power is a modern day essential service.

    Does this mean people will be left in the cold? Sounds risky to me.

    This government's ability to manage anything is dismal and is scary that they are the same ones messing with our main power supplies. Here's a report on their latest hare brained scheme:

    Broken Hill residents who received free digital set-top boxes are not happy
    "A FUZZY reception, just half of the promised channels, digital set-top boxes and antennas that don't work, and hundreds of dollars in extra, out-of-pocket expenses. Welcome to the future of watching television in NSW. "
    From the Telegraph by Samantha Townsend

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