2 bombs go off in israel

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    Yup, pallies hard at the peace process.

    Just luvvvvv the last bit (in bold)

    Israelis dead in Ariel and Rosh Ha'ayin blasts

    By Roni Singer, Jonathan Lis and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, Haaretz Service and The Associated Press

    Two Israelis were killed and 12 people were wounded
    in two separate suicide attacks Tuesday morning,
    one in the Israeli town of Rosh Ha'ayin and a
    second at the entrance to the West Bank settlement
    of Ariel.

    These are the first major
    attacks since militant
    Palestinian organizations
    declared a temporary truce on
    June 29. However, there have
    been several other
    nationalistic attacks on
    Israelis since the truce, or
    hudna, was signed.

    There was no immediate claim of responsibility
    for either attack.

    In the first attack at around 9 A.M., in Rosh
    Ha'ayin, close to the Green Line, a suicide
    bomber activated an explosive device held in
    his backpack near the entrance to the NewPharm
    pharmacy, which is part of a shopping center.
    He was able to enter the pharmacy with the bomb
    despite the presence of a security guard.

    Police said the blast was small, but it led to a
    fire that burned down several stores.

    Police found two corpses in the shopping center,
    located in the Neve Afek neighborhood, that of
    a victim and the suicide bomber. The
    approximately 10 people who were wounded,
    including four who suffered serious injuries,
    were taken to Sharon and Beilinson hospitals in
    Petah Tikva, which is west of Rosh Ha'ayin.

    This is the first terror attack to take place in
    Rosh Ha'ayin.

    A short time before the Rosh Ha'ayin blast,
    police had gone on high alert in the Sharon
    region due to reports of a terrorist having
    infiltrated the area. After the attacks, police
    declared a high alert throughout the country.

    In the second attack, in Ariel, a suicide bomber
    set off the explosive device strapped to his
    body when he saw three young Israelis at a bus
    stop on the road heading from the West Bank
    settlement toward Tel Aviv, said Ariel mayor
    Ron Nahman. One Israeli and the bomber were
    killed, and two people were seriously wounded.

    Palestinian militant organizations have recently
    been threatening that they will no longer hold
    to the cease-fire.

    "The terror attack in Rosh Ha'ayin emphasizes
    the need for the PA to once and for all take
    immediate steps to dismantle the terror
    infrastructure," David Baker, an official at
    the Prime Minister's Office, said Tuesday.

    Hamas and Islamic Jihad spokesmen said they
    didn't know who was responsible for the attacks
    and that their groups remained committed to the

    Ismail Hanieh, a spokesman for Hamas, laid the
    blame for the attacks at Israel's feet.

    "This situation was born as a result of Israel's
    refusal to commit to the Palestinian hudna," he
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