ASX 1.23% $63.48 asx limited

2 leg down to be devastating, page-28

  1. 5,181 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 163
    The world was supposed to end in 1987

    Then a currency disaster in 1997 was supposed to kill Asia

    Then the Y2k was supposed to destroy the world

    Various churches said the world will end in 2000.

    There are a lot of doom and gloom stories floating around.

    Humans will survive. And whats more they are populating like flies. You need to meet their demands. There is plenty of resources out there for this. So somebody will make sure that this is met by production.

    In the mean time markets will go up and down due to human greed but so will life.

    Wake up and take a chill pill and stop buying doom and gloom rubbish. You are only making the author rich.

    Humans are very intelligent - they will some how find ways of getting out of disasters. Technology is advancing at such a rapid rate - what you dont know today will be common knowledge tomorrow.
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$62.68 $63.59 $62.55 $23.46M 370.0K

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1 7 $63.20

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$63.49 1101 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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