200 a barrel, page-22

  1. 7,054 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 218
    PedroX – a load of BS? Okay, please explain to me just how our lives are improving so extraordinarily rapidly?

  2. Crime is on the up in practically EVERY city in the world. Friday night is CRIME NIGHT ON TEN!
  3. The cost of living is almost beyond most people – hence the last 20 years of increased credit.
  4. The moral fabric of society is all but gone!
  5. There are more people today living in poverty, under the control of tyranny or in war-torn nations than ever before.
  6. Manufactured fear is imposed on us from every direction in the form of Terrorism, Climate Change, Religious Dogma, Nuclear War. Next we'll be hearing about a threat from an extraterrestrial source.
  7. Every day new laws are put in place to keep us paranoid and in fear of each other.
  8. Surveillance is a part of every day life.
  9. The gap between the rich and the poor is increasing dramatically.


    Okay, so I know that there is also a lot of good in the world too, but I believe Science and Technology has become our new frontier and it has gone far beyond our capability to use it responsibly as a civilisation. We need more focus on spirituality in order to understand ourselves better and transcend our proclivity to destroy everything that makes us what we are!

    The notion you present about the standard of life getting better IMO shows one very small side of the situation. A side that would prefer to happily ignore the real problems we face as a civilisation and live in ignorant bliss! A consumerist based mindset that is far to caught up in the Matrix like web of democratic western life.

    Do you think the standard of living is better for the 1,000,000 (1 million) Rwandans who got slaughtered in 10 days during that horrific massacre in '94? How about the millions of people worldwide suffering the effects of DU weapons used in Iraq? What about the billions of people living in poverty world-wide?

    I'm sorry – I just can't comprehend how you seem to think our standard of life is improving. Maybe you should have said – Your standard of life is improving.

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