CDU 0.00% 23.5¢ cudeco limited

2014 chart, page-9

  1. 4,265 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Hi rae

    The CDU shares have been issued so I would presume that money is held by CUDeco Management.

    The chart is a bit askew in my opinion as M&G
    Group sell-off has drastically damaged the share price for the worse.

    What is needed is for a "White Knight" CDU Buyer to take on the seller/s and call their bluff. Draw a line in the sand around $1.66 and let the seller/s re-act.

    Rocklands is nearing production and ready to become profitable.

    Unfortunately, I am not in a financial position to lead the cause. I will follow if opportunity permits.


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Currently unlisted public company.

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