GXY 0.00% $5.28 galaxy resources limited

.... Well ! For those (like Jon Kaw??ya&s@!) who believe Lithium...

  1. 755 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    .... Well !

    For those (like Jon Kaw??ya&s@!) who believe Lithium miners are overpriced, Li is in over-supplied, and China will have more than enough Li for its battery manufacturers for the foreseeable future.... then by all means sell off all GXY and the like and short sell them to death. There’s no point for profitable stock traders to argue about stock prices on paper .... only losers argue about stock prices on paper.

    Btw, poster needle thinks there’ll be Li coming out of Tibet at some point in time !?! Well my friend, let’s hear more of that story please. Make our day, enlighten us with your knowledge through this forum.
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