MSB 1.05% $2.84 mesoblast limited

2024 Here we go again., page-211

  1. 311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 165
    I was a firm believer of MSB but my belief cost me $130K. In 2017-2018 I sold my MSB shares to double down on MSB call options. I was so possessed by this wishful thinking if MSB, shares hit above $5, I will be multimillionaire. Source of this delusional thinking was my firm belief on agvhd success. Unfortunately, before AGVHD, heart trial results came out, which missed primary end point and then triggered liquidation of my holdings (MSB Citi warrants ), with $15K as a residual value. Had I kept my shares instead of options, I would have been millionaire in 2020 but it wasn't meant to be. Back then ( its been 8 years since), non believers and non holders like madamswer ( i might have gone name wrong), used to criticise and bash this company and believers and holders religiously defended this company- myself included and completely dismissed their concerns and red flags they pointed out. It appears nothing has changed. I learned the lesson from my experience that this is a zero -sum outcome. If FDA approve agvhd treatment, this will be 20 bagger, else this will be below 10 cents and eventually perish. TBH, I don't have high hope for heart failure and back pain trial success, but still do for AGVHD. Over the weekend, I decided to invest small parcel in MSB, if successful I will more than recover my previous loss; if not; I will lose the capped loss with no serious consequences. It is simple equation for me now. Either zero or hero!
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Mkt cap ! $3.599B
Open High Low Value Volume
$2.83 $2.87 $2.82 $2.845M 1.000M

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
6 15392 $2.84

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
$2.85 75796 21
View Market Depth
Last trade - 11.53am 28/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
MSB (ASX) Chart
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