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Ann: WAV/RULE: ALF: ALF - Application for a Waive

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    • Release Date: 13/09/13 17:46
    • Summary: WAV/RULE: ALF: ALF - Application for a Waiver from NZSX Listing Rule 9.2.1
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    13/09/2013 15:46
    REL: 1546 HRS Allied Farmers Limited
    WAV/RULE: ALF: ALF - Application for a Waiver from NZSX Listing Rule 9.2.1
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Allied Farmers Limited (ALF) Application for waiver from NZX Main Board
    Listing Rule 9.2.1
    13 September 2013
    1. Allied Farmers Limited ("ALF") is a Listed Issuer with ordinary shares
    quoted on the NZX Main Board. A wholly owned subsidiary of ALF, Allied
    Farmers Rural Limited ("AFRL") previously operated rural merchandising, real
    estate and livestock businesses. The merchandising and real estate business
    have been sold to third parties and the livestock business sold to a
    subsidiary of AFRL, NZ Farmers Livestock Limited ("NZFL"). AFRL owns 67.73%
    of NZFL.
    2. AFRL is negotiating a settlement with the Inland Revenue Department
    ("IRD") due to an overdue obligation in relation to which the IRD had taken
    liquidation proceedings. ALF urgently requires certainty that additional
    funds will be available to assist it in negotiations to settle that
    obligation. If AFRL cannot secure funding to settle with the IRD it will
    enter receivership, which is likely to cause ALF to enter liquidation.
    3. AFRL proposes to issue up to 1,000,000 bonds (the "Bonds") to a number of
    persons (the "Funders") which will result in AFRL being provided with up to
    $1 million to enable it to partially settle the first tranche of its
    obligations to the IRD, once negotiated, if required. It is envisaged the
    Bonds will have the following principal terms:
    (a)   a $1 issue price for each Bond;
    (b)   the Bonds will not be listed on any market;
    (c)   ALF will issue to the relevant Funders, in accordance with Rule 7.3.5,
    58 options to acquire ordinary shares in ALF for every 10 Bonds held (the
    (d)   an Option shall grant the holder the right, upon exercise, to purchase
    one fully paid ordinary share in ALF at an exercise price equal to $0.027
    (being the volume weighted average market price of ALF's ordinary shares over
    the 20 Business Days prior to the announcement of the issue of the Options on
    9 September 2013). The Options can be exercised at any time for up to 5 years
    from the date of issue. If all of the Options are exercised ALF will issue
    5.8 million ordinary shares in ALF;
    (e)   the Bonds will be secured by way of a second ranking charge over the
    shares AFRL holds in NZFL (the "Charge"). Crown Asset Management Limited
    ("CAML") has first ranking charge over the NZFL shares held by AFRL;
    (f)   a guarantee of the Bonds from ALF (the "Guarantee");
    (g)   the obligations of ALF and AFRL will be secured by way of a general
    security over all of the assets of ALF and AFRL, fully subordinated to the
    rights of CAML (the "General Security");
    (h)   interest of 12% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears; and
    (i)   maturity date of 31 August 2014.
    4. Subject to settlement with the IRD being reached, the Funders will
    purchase up to $1 million worth of the Bonds issued on the terms described in
    paragraph 3 thereby providing $1 million to AFRL.
    5. Garry Bluett is a director of ALF. Both Garry Bluett and an Associated
    Person of Garry Bluett will subscribe for the Bonds as Funders, purchasing up
    to $250,000 of the Bonds. None of the other Funders are Related Parties of
    6. CAML has agreed to allow ALF to draw down up to $600,000 under an existing
    facility with that funding to be used, together with the funds made available
    under the Bonds issue, in payment of the obligation to the IRD ("CAML
    Funding"). The CAML Funding is subject to a number of conditions including
    completion of the NZFL Transaction (as that term is defined in the waiver
    decision of 6 September 2013) which has already occurred and the issuance by
    AFRL of the Bonds described in paragraph 3.
    7. Any surplus funds available to ALF resulting from the issue of the Bonds
    following the settlement of the IRD obligation will be used by AFRL for
    working capital purposes.
    8. NZX Main Board Listing Rule ("Rule") 1.6.6 extends the definition of
    Issuer to include, as the context permits, all members of any group of
    companies of which the Issuer is the holding company or otherwise has a
    controlling interest. Accordingly, the issue of the Bonds by AFRL, being a
    subsidiary of ALF, will constitute entry into a transaction by ALF for the
    purposes of Rule 9.2.1.
    9. Rule 9.2.1 restricts an Issuer entering into a Material Transaction if a
    Related Party is, or is likely to become, a direct or indirect party to the
    Material Transaction, or to at least one of a related series of transactions
    of which the Material Transaction forms part.
    10. Garry Bluett is a director of ALF, and is, therefore, a Related Party of
    ALF pursuant to Rule 9.2.3(a).
    11. Rule 9.2.2(b) provides that a Material Transaction is a transaction or a
    related series of transactions where an Issuer issues its own Securities
    having a market value in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation
    ("AMC") of the Issuer. As at 9 September 2013 (the date the issue of the
    Bonds was announced), ALF's AMC was approximately $1.79 million. As the value
    of the Bonds may be up to $1 million, this would exceed 10% of ALF's AMC.
    Therefore, the issuance of the Bonds is a Material Transaction for the
    purposes of Rule 9.2.2(b).
    12. Rule 9.2.2(d) provides that a Material Transaction is a transaction where
    an Issuer enters into a guarantee, or gives security, which could expose the
    Issuer to liability in excess of 10% of the Issuer's AMC. ALF's Guarantee of
    the Bonds, provision of the Charge, and provision of the General Security
    each have a potential value of $1 million, and will therefore exceed 10% of
    ALF's AMC (being approximately $179,000). Therefore, the Guarantee of the
    Bonds, provision of the Charge, and provision of the General Security each
    constitute a Material Transaction with a Related Party for the purpose of
    Rule 9.2.2(d).
    13. As outlined above, the issuing of the Bonds, the provision of the
    Guarantee, Charge, and the General Security are each considered a Material
    Transaction. Those transactions are part of a related series of transactions
    with the issue of the Options (with those transactions and the issue of the
    Options together referred to in this decision as the "Funding Arrangements").
    The Funding Arrangements are also part of a related series of transactions
    with the CAML Funding and the NZFL Transaction. Rule 9.2.1 therefore requires
    that ALF may not enter into the Funding Arrangements, the CAML Funding or the
    NZFL Transaction without approval by an ordinary resolution of the
    shareholders of ALF.
    14. NZX Regulation ("NZXR") granted ALF a waiver from the requirement for
    shareholder approval for the CAML Funding and the NZFL Transaction (to the
    extent necessary) in the waiver decision dated 6 September 2013.
    15. ALF has applied to NZXR for a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 to enable AFRL to
    enter into the Funding Arrangements, without the prior approval of ALF's
    16. In support of its application ALF makes the following submissions:
    (a)   The funding which would be made available by the issue of the Bonds and
    from CAML is urgently required for AFRL to settle an obligation that, if not
    urgently settled or agreed to be settled, will result in the appointment of a
    liquidator to AFRL and consequentially the immediate insolvency of ALF;
    (b)   As stated above, any delay in receiving consideration for the Bonds
    would prejudice ALF's ability to negotiate with the IRD which would most
    likely result in the immediate insolvency of the ALF group, significantly
    destroying the value of the business. In particular, the insolvency of the
    ALF group would create uncertainty as to the future ownership of its
    livestock joint venture subsidiary business, New Zealand Farmers Livestock
    Limited ("NZFL"). The shares AFRL owns in NZFL are the largest asset left in
    the ALF group, with a value in excess of $5 million. AFRL urgently needs to
    be assured that the funding from the Bonds will be available so the Board of
    ALF can reaffirm the assumptions underlying its solvency determination. f
    AFRL is not able to secure the issue of the Bonds, the consequence will be
    that the IRD will appoint a liquidator to AFRL which would likely lead ALF to
    ask CAML to appoint a receiver;
    (c)   ALF does not consider that it is practical to seek the approval of
    shareholders for the Bonds as:
    (i) the date AFRL must confirm that funding from the Bonds would be available
    so the Board of ALF can reaffirm the assumptions underlying its solvency
    determination is earlier than the earliest date ALF could reasonably arrange
    for a meeting of shareholders in compliance with the Rules; and
    (ii) the costs associated with seeking shareholder approval for the Bonds
    would outweigh the benefits in the context of ALF's AMC;
    (d)   The type of funding requested has elements of associated risk that
    means typical third party lenders would not provide it, and hence the funding
    is to be provided by parties generally with an interest in ensuring the
    future wellbeing of the ALF group. Regardless, it is highly unlikely that the
    required funding could be obtained from another source in the urgent
    timeframe. While CAML has agreed to provide some funding towards the
    settlement with the IRD, CAML has declined to provide the full amount
    required for the settlement;
    (e)   The terms of the Funding Arrangements and the decision to issue the
    Bonds have been commercially negotiated by ALF's and AFRL's Board (excluding
    Garry Bluett), on commercial and arms' length terms. Garry Bluett has not
    been involved in negotiating those terms on ALF or AFRL's behalf and has not
    been afforded any favourable treatment because of his Related Party status;
    (f)   The terms of the Funding Arrangements have been settled after
    discussions with a number of potential funders who are not Related Parties.
    In setting the terms of the Bonds the Board has taken into account the amount
    of funds required, the timeframe within which they are required and the risks
    associated with such an investment. Taking these factors into account
    together with the feedback from potential funders as to the level of return
    they would expect for the risk they are taking, the Board has determined that
    the terms of the Bonds are market. After those terms were established and
    indicative levels of commitment obtained, there was an indicative shortfall
    that Garry Bluett and the Associated Person of Garry Bluett only at that
    point agreed to take up, without alteration to the terms. This process
    clearly evidences that a market of unrelated parties participated in the
    setting of the terms based on a commercial arms length negotiation led by
    Board members other than Garry Bluett, and that the terms, including the
    interest rate and issue of Options, are reflective of the market and not
    influenced by the participation of a Related Party.
    17. Rule 9.2.1 provides that:
    "An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related Party is,
    or is likely to become:
    (a)  a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part; ...
    unless that Material Transaction is approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    18. Rule 9.2.2 provides that:
    "For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Material Transaction" means a transaction
    or a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
    (b) issues its own Securities or acquires its own Equity Securities having a
    market value in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of that
    Issuer, save in the case of an issue pursuant to Rule 7.3.5 where only the
    market value of those Securities being issued to the Related Party or to any
    Employees (as defined in Rule 7.3.6) of the Issuer are to be taken into
    account; or
    (c) borrows, lends, pays, or receives, money, or incurs an obligation, of an
    amount in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer;
    (d) enters into any guarantee, indemnity, underwriting, or similar
    obligation, or gives any security, for or of obligations which could expose
    the Issuer to liability in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation
    of the Issuer;..."
    19. Rule 9.2.3 provides that:
    For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Related Party" means a person who is at the
    time of a Material Transaction, or was at any time within six months before a
    Material Transaction:
    (a)  a Director or executive officer of the Issuer or any of its
    Subsidiaries; or..."
    20. On the basis that the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate
    in all material respects, NZXR grants ALF a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 so that
    ALF is not required to obtain shareholder approval for the Funding
    Arrangements to the extent that Garry Bluett and an Associated Person of
    Garry Bluett subscribe for Bonds.
    21. The waiver in paragraph 20 is granted on the following conditions:
    (a)   the Directors of ALF and AFRL (excluding Garry Bluett) certify, in a
    form acceptable to NZXR, that:
    (i) Garry Bluett, and any Associated Persons of Garry Bluett, took no part in
    the negotiation of the Funding Arrangements on behalf of ALF or AFRL;
    (ii) the terms and conditions of the Funding Arrangements were negotiated on
    a commercial and arms' length basis, and reflect appropriate terms for such
    (iii) the issue of the Bonds will be at no more than market price, and the
    Funding Arrangements are in the best interests of ALF and the shareholders of
    ALF; and
    (iv) in deciding to issue the Bonds, and determining the terms of the Funding
    Arrangements, neither ALF nor AFRL was influenced by Garry Bluett or any
    Associated Person of Garry Bluett; and
    (b)   The waiver, its conditions and effect are disclosed in ALF's annual
    reports that relate to the periods during which ALF relies on this waiver.
    22. In coming to this decision, NZXR has considered the following matters:
    (a)   The policy behind Rule 9.2.1 is to ensure that Related Parties do not
    exercise undue influence or use personal connections to reach a favourable
    outcome for, or a transfer of value to, the Related Party in respect of a
    transaction and that shareholders are given an opportunity to review
    transactions where the board may have been subject to actual or perceived
    influence from a Related Party;
    (b)   NZXR expects Issuers to, where possible, seek approval from
    shareholders for transactions that require approval under Rule 9.2.1.
    Nevertheless, ALF and AFRL now urgently require the funding from the Funding
    Arrangements and the CAML Funding, and calling a shareholders meeting to
    consider the Funding Arrangements would delay the receipt of funding and
    would adversely affect the businesses;
    (c)   ALF submits, and NZXR has no reason not to accept, that is unlikely
    that the funding could be obtained from another source in the urgent
    (d)   Garry Bluett and the Associated Person of Garry Bluett only agreed to
    participate as Funders after the terms of the Bonds were set and it became
    apparent there would be a shortfall in the amount AFRL could raise from the
    issue of the Bonds;
    (e)   Garry Bluett and the Associated Person of Garry Bluett will purchase
    Bonds on the same terms as the other Funders; and
    (f)   The certifications provided by ALF's Directors (excluding Garry Bluett)
    give NZXR comfort that the Bonds are being issued on commercial and arms'
    length terms, their issue is in the best interests of ALF and its
    shareholders, and were not influenced by Garry Bluett.
    23. ALF requests that this waiver application and any decision are kept
    confidential until the issuance of the Bonds has been announced to the
    24. In accordance with Footnote 1 to Rule 1.11.2, NZXR grants ALF's request.
    End CA:00241102 For:ALF    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2013-09-13 15:46:23
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