[IMG] If one has had the stomach to watch the video of the...

  1. RM
    7,410 Posts.

    If one has had the stomach to watch the video of the murder of 21 Christian Coptic's who were abducted from work sites to be beheaded on a beach you would have seen Islamic quotes subtitled with the video. Firstly We should spare a moment in our busy day and pray for those men killed and the families that have lost a brother, son, father or uncle.

    Islamic justification of such actions by ISIS, and no matter how hard the media tries to portray these as actually non Muslims, they are indeed Muslims that have the Koranic and Hadith sources to demonstrate jurisprudence for their actions. Some of these sources were highlighted and quoted on the murder video.

    The gruesome still image above of the ISIS murder video has the Islamic quote subtitled below.

    “They supplicate what they worship and die upon their paganism"

    This is the very same allegation of paganism we hear so often leveled against Christians from familiar posters on HC.

    The leader of these murderers quoted the following Hadith as justification right before these men with their hands bound behind their backs were so bravely murdered by their Muslim kidnappers.

    Allah’s Apostle said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizya. Then there will be abundance of money and nobody will accept charitable gifts.”

    Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 3, Book 34, Number 425

    What many Westerners  do not realize is that Muslims have an Islamic Jesus that plays a pivotal roll in their end times. This perverted Islamic Jesus within the Muslim eschatology will come and break the Cross and kill the pigs.

    The Cross is the Christians and the pig is all that is unclean. Muslim Jesus will destroy Christendom with his second coming, the breaking of the cross.

    The end time heroes in the Koran are the antichrists of the Holy Bible, strikingly diametrically opposed views on the end times.

    The 'abolishing of Jizya' is the tax payed by Christians and Jews who reside in Islamic lands or lands newly conquered by their armies. It was originally introduced as a subsidy during the Islamic wars of expansion to compensate for the fact that Christians and Jews did not join Muslim armies on their many conquests. But the tax imposed on non Muslims quickly  became the tool to suppress and destroy these minorities. For the Jizya to be removed means there will be no such Christian or Jew living in Muslim controlled lands after Islamic Jesus second coming.

    As for 'lots of money', again the carnal nature of Mohammad and his many raids on caravans for loot, the taking of women to bed on the same day he had their husbands killed and the religion of Islam with all its heavenly virgins is again reinforced. It is physical wealth and physical pleasures that draws such men to this carnal belief system.

    But let us not forget that the charge of paganism that behooves the murder of Christians by these ISIL members, their justification, this jurisprudence for these and other such abominable acts is found and quoted directly from within the canon of the Islamic holy books.

    And is the eschatology of Jesus coming to destroy the cross and kill all the pigs just the domain of the black clad ISIL warriors.

    Who else do we know that promotes the belief that Jesus second coming will result in the destruction of the Cross, the obliteration of pagan Christendom?

    So we may be appalled by the justification that such violence brings by ISIL, this message of Christianity's  destruction is not unique and is earnestly awaited for by more than just ISIL.

    Christianity is not of this world hence why it is hated by the world, and  why so few hear its truth.

    Jesus Before Pilate
    35Pilate answered, "I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered You to me; what have You done?" 36Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." 37Therefore Pilate said to Him, "So You are a king?" Jesus answered, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice."…

    Satan has many faithful slaves some clad in black costumes but many just in ordinary suits.

    "Let us recognize that Christendom is doomed, along with all the rest of Babylon the Great. She has refused to repent of her religiously immoral or adulterous course of action, her friendship with this world. (Jas. 4:4) She is like the rest of the ungodly world, even after Jehovah's Christian witnesses have plainly declared God's impending judgment to her." Watchtower 1972 Dec 15 p.753
    "without question the execution of divine judgment upon apostate Christendom and the rest of Satan's world is imminent." Watchtower 1984 Oct 1 p.11
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