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Ann: HALFYR: SAN: Sanford Limited - Six Month Res

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    28/05/2014 14:54
    REL: 1454 HRS Sanford Limited
    HALFYR: SAN: Sanford Limited - Six Month Result
    Name of Listed Issuer: SANFORD LIMITED
    For Half Year Ended: 31 March 2014
    Unaudited: NZ$M (millions)
    Revenue: $221.052m ($244.575m) -9.6%
    PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX: $16.260m ($20.309m) -19.9%
    Less tax: $4.549m ($6.244m) -27.1%
    Minority Interests: Loss $0.046m (Profit $0.035m)
    EARNINGS PER SHARE: 12.6cps (15.0cps)
    Interim Dividend: 9cps (9cps)
    Record Date: 13 June 2014
    Payment Date: 20 June 2014
    Imputation tax credit on interim dividend: 3.5cps
    Certain amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2013 Interim Report and
    the 2013 Annual Report and reflect adjustments made as detailed in note 12 of
    the Financial Statements (pages 31-36 of the Interim Report attached to this
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer's Report
    For the six months ended 31 March 2014
    Profit after tax for the period decreased 17% to $11.7m unaudited ($14.1m
    unaudited last year) largely due to timing of sales and significantly reduced
    prices for skipjack tuna and other pelagic species. These factors resulted in
    a reduction in revenue for the six months ended 31 March 2014 of 10% to
    $221.1m while EBITDA decreased 17% from $28.8m to $23.9m.
    Directors have decided to maintain the interim dividend at 9 cents per share
    which will be payable 20 June 2014.
    The first half of this financial year has been marked by the arrival of our
    new CEO, Volker Kuntzsch, following the retirement of Eric Barratt, Managing
    Director of 16 years. We thank Eric for the leadership he exhibited in
    Sanford Limited and the seafood industry, locally and internationally.
    Commodity price trends varied greatly, depending on species, with pelagics,
    especially skipjack tuna, being significantly down on the previous year. Our
    aquaculture division has improved on the back of attractive pricing for
    Greenshell mussels and king salmon.
    Total revenue has also been affected as a result of the natural availability
    of certain species, seasonality of catches, and tactical decisions
    influencing the timing of sales.
    The introduction of a Culture of Continuous Improvement across the Group is
    leading to a stronger focus on quality and value, and successfully
    complements our sustainable development activities.
    The average US dollar exchange rate (before allowing for foreign exchange
    gains) for the six months increased marginally to US$0.832 from US$0.829 for
    the same period last year.
    Health & Safety
    Sanford has embarked on a programme to improve the way health & safety is
    embedded into the organisation's culture. Initiatives to promote people
    engagement, greater awareness and learning, and an improved understanding of
    responsibilities have been introduced.
    Committed leadership from Director and executive levels support the
    organisation to adopt higher standards of effective safety management
    throughout the Company's diverse range of operations. The implementation of
    the new Maritime Operator Safety System, as introduced by Maritime New
    Zealand, has made good progress.
    Sustainable Development
    We continually strive to work more responsibly across our marine environment
    and land based factories to underpin our commitment to producing sustainable
    seafood. The impact of our operations is measured and communicated annually
    through our Sustainable Development Report.
    Freezer Trawlers
    Our three freezer trawlers, San Waitaki, San Discovery, and San Enterprise
    are ahead of expectations, but behind last year due to scheduled dry
    dockings, differences in the timing of landings and subsequent product sales
    compared to the same period a year ago.
    Freezer Longliners
    Both vessels, San Aotea II and San Aspiring have had a better than expected
    fishing season in the Ross Sea and performance has improved compared to last
    Scampi Freezer Vessels
    Sanford's five scampi vessels are slightly behind expectations due to a drop
    off in catches during March and refit delays with the San Tangaroa. The other
    four vessels compare well to last year.
    Charter Vessels
    We are chartering three Korean vessels (last year: four) that contribute to
    an efficient utilisation of our annual catch entitlement and enable us to
    harvest species that require specialist fishing skills, for example squid.
    Due to the reduction in the number of vessels the operation is behind last
    year, but ahead of expectations.
    Auckland-based vessels performed behind last year due to lower regional
    trevally and barracouta catches, while snapper catches have improved.
    Tauranga-based vessels' performance is similar to last year, but slightly
    below expectations, mainly due to reduced jack mackerel and kahawai catches.
    Trevally catches have been good. This year's skipjack season is now complete
    with catches slightly better than anticipated. Weak demand and price for
    pelagic species, in particular blue mackerel, have the potential to further
    impact on Tauranga's performance.
    The overall result for Timaru-based vessels is well below last year, mainly
    due to reduced catches of barracouta and hoki, but these are expected to
    improve in the second half of the year.
    Our processing plants have made great progress in implementing a Culture of
    Continuous Improvement, resulting in a safer workplace, impressive idea
    generation throughout the workforce and ongoing efficiency improvements that
    will strengthen our position within the local communities.
    Quota Trading
    Surplus annual catch entitlement (ACE) of species in excess of our internal
    requirements or catching capacity is traded out to other fishers. This
    trading activity has delivered a return similar to last year.
    Pacific Tuna
    Despite higher catches compared to the same period last year, revenue for the
    six months was significantly down due to tuna prices in the Bangkok market
    almost halving. Although R&M expenses for our three international purse
    seiner vessels were lower than expected, total costs were greater than last
    year as all three vessels were operational for this half year. Significant
    cost increases compared with the prior year are an increase in depreciation
    following capital upgrades, fishing access and fuel costs. These led to an
    unsatisfactory result for the period.
    Greenshell Mussels
    Improved market prices, an increase in the fair value of stock in water and
    lower than expected production expenses, have resulted in significantly
    improved results compared to the previous year, although volumes were
    slightly lower than anticipated.
    King Salmon
    Harvesting volumes are down on last year due to fish losses from a damaged
    cage, but results have improved due to strong fresh fish sales into the New
    Zealand market.
    Markets and Pricing
    The major export markets for our main species have either been buoyant or
    remained firm for the first six months. The only significant exceptions have
    been the skipjack commodity market which has suffered from short term
    oversupply, and the blue mackerel market which has experienced a significant
    reduction in demand. The domestic market has performed well, particularly for
    quality fresh fish.
    The following graphs highlight the price trends of our most important species
    over the past six months as compared with the previous three years, with all
    prices indexed to 1 October 2010.
    Mussel prices have firmed strongly in all markets and demand currently
    exceeds available supply. The shortage of raw material is not expected to
    improve for around two years due to limited spat supply. The sale of retail
    pack mussels into a range of overseas markets continues to progress steadily.
    The orange roughy price has remained stable over the past six months. Major
    US retailers have shown growing confidence in the sustainability of orange
    roughy fisheries managed under the robust New Zealand quota management
    system. Sustainability certification for the main orange roughy fisheries is
    being progressed.
    Ling demand and prices remain firm in all markets, particularly Asia. Smooth
    dory fillet prices have been improving over the past year and are expected to
    remain strong. Demand for smooth dory is firm from all major markets.
    Hoki prices have softened for commodity fillet block as a result of
    competitive pressures from other whitefish supply, but discerning customers
    are increasingly differentiating hoki from species like Alaskan pollock on
    the basis of its own superior characteristics. Hoki fillet prices have been
    holding steady gains in the past several months. Competitive pressures
    continue in a range of international markets from the supply of alternative
    whitefish such as Atlantic cod as well as Alaskan and Russian pollock.
    Skipjack tuna prices declined sharply from record levels reached last year as
    a result of a strong period of catching in all international fisheries. There
    have been some recent signs of a modest improvement in skipjack prices and
    this encouraging trend is likely to continue through the next quarter. Jack
    mackerel prices continue to remain strong in most markets and demand is
    steady. Blue mackerel prices have softened because of the decline in skipjack
    pricing as both products are used as canning commodities.
    Squid market prices remained steady for the past several months but have
    recently firmed because of poor catches in New Zealand this season. The
    demand for squid remains steady from all markets.
    Scampi prices are stable and demand is firm with product shipped as it is
    caught. Demand is expected to remain firm in all the traditional markets.
    International salmon prices have been buoyant in recent times. The demand for
    king salmon has exceeded our supply and prices have been rising both on the
    domestic and international markets.
    Australia Seafood Segment
    The Australian wholesale market business has improved, but performance is
    below our medium term expectations. Restructuring efforts and an increase in
    marketing products from our New Zealand production through this channel have
    resulted in marginally improved returns.
    Product Development Initiatives
    Considerable effort is being invested in initiatives to market products
    beyond a commodity format. A range of tailored retail products has been
    successfully developed in conjunction with our key customer in the Australian
    market. Similar initiatives are occurring in other markets with revised
    packaging formats designed to enhance returns.
    Considerable effort is being invested in initiatives to market products
    beyond a commodity format. A range of tailored retail products has been
    successfully developed in conjunction with our key customer in the Australian
    market. Similar initiatives are occurring in other markets with revised
    packaging formats designed to enhance returns.
    North Island Mussels Limited (NIML)
    Greenshell mussel crop supply to NIML, 50% owned by Sanford, has been below
    expectations and last year due to a shortage of spat supply. The supply
    shortfall, higher purchase costs for crop in Coromandel, coupled with fixed
    processing costs, resulted in a loss in the first six months of this
    financial year.
    Weihai Dong Won Food Company Limited
    Production and profitability at Weihai Dong Won, 50% owned by Sanford,
    continues to be steady and as per expectations. We take pride in maintaining
    a good working environment for our staff, which is exemplified by a return
    rate of workers to the plant after Chinese New Year of over 90%. The high
    return of experienced staff also allows Weihai Dong Won to process and supply
    consistent and high quality products to our customers.
    This Primary Growth Partnership project has made great progress in
    hatchery-reared Greenshell mussels. The upscaling of the operation has,
    however, been delayed slightly due to weather and building constraints.
    Precision Seafood Harvesting (PSH)
    PSH now has three prototype designs being commercially tested in the snapper,
    middle depths and hoki fisheries. The designs are intended to deliver fish of
    a very high quality, improve in-water selectivity and enhance post-harvest
    survival. Increasing familiarity of the test vessels and their crew with the
    new design is allowing a growing volume of high quality seafood to be landed
    to market including some live fish deliveries.
    Iwi Collective Partnership
    Our relationship with 12 iwi in the Iwi Collective Partnership (ICP)
    continues to strengthen our business by giving us access to a valuable
    package of deepwater catching rights, and also assisting us to work more
    confidently within Maori communities. An ICP representative joined us in
    Korea to meet our joint venture partners and tour the Weihai Dong Won Food
    factory in Weihai, China. Three more scholarships have been awarded,
    including for the first time a Sanford staff member with ICP affiliations.
    Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
    The adoption of NZ IFRS 11: Joint Arrangements results in the proportionate
    consolidation of our 50% holding in North Island Mussels Limited. However,
    this has not materially impacted our statement of financial position. The
    ratio of equity to total assets is slightly lower than September 2013 but
    remains strong at 69%. The working capital ratio has decreased to 1.69 as a
    result of our two year $35m term loan expiring in March 2015, being
    reclassified as a current liability. The repayment dates of some of our bank
    facilities will be reviewed to improve the working capital ratio at 30
    September 2014.
    In March 2014 we renewed our Rabobank one year working capital facility at
    more favourable pricing. Sanford Limited's financial covenants remain well
    Capital Expenditure
    Capital expenditure primarily reflects the SPATnz mussel spat hatchery
    development and the rebuild of the Timaru coldstore which was completed in
    January 2014 at a final cost of $3.6m.
    Outlook for the Six Months to 30 September 2014
    A generally strong global demand for seafood will support firm prices for
    most of our products. However, pelagic species, for example skipjack tuna and
    blue mackerel, will remain under pressure compared to last year.
    Weather permitting, supply from our fishing and aquaculture operations is
    expected to exceed the prior year. Our processing facilities will continue
    their focus on improving the value we derive from every tonne of seafood we
    The acquisition of Greenshell New Zealand business assets after the reporting
    period will provide strategic benefits to our successful mussel business. The
    Coromandel-based assets will significantly enhance our supply and minimise
    biological risk through geographical diversity.
    The continuing strength of the New Zealand dollar will present challenges but
    we are confident of offsetting these by improving our margins through CCI
    related efficiency improvements and the introduction of further value added
    We have only just embarked on our mission to make Sanford the New Zealand
    Company of choice for customers, shareholders and employees by sustainably
    providing innovative, quality seafood and marine products. We are making some
    organisational changes to support our objectives and we are looking forward
    to implementing some exciting projects to improve our results.
    The Directors and management thank all customers, colleagues and suppliers
    for their continued support of Sanford.
    J G Todd
    V Kuntzsch
    Chief Executive Officer
    28 May 2014
    End CA:00250970 For:SAN    Type:HALFYR     Time:2014-05-28 14:54:46
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