13/06/2014 09:30
REL: 0930 HRS Bathurst Resources Limited
S/HOLDER: BRL: Rights Issue - Offer booklet mailout.
Rights Issue - Offer Booklet and Entitlement and Acceptance forms mail out
On 29 May 2014, Bathurst Resources Limited (BRL) announced a 1 for 23,
non-renounceable, pro-rata Rights Issue. On 30 May 2014, the Offer Booklet
was announced to the Market.
BRL is today mailing the Offer Booklet and the Entitlement and Acceptance
forms to eligible shareholders.
Each eligible shareholder's entitlement has been calculated as at the record
date of 10 June 2014. The offer opens on 13 June 2014 and the closing date
for acceptances is 3 July 2014 as detailed in the offer booklet.
Shareholders are advised that the instructions for subscribing (including
applications for additional offer shares) are contained in the Offer Booklet
and Entitlement and Acceptance form.
End CA:00251555 For:BRL Type:S/HOLDER Time:2014-06-13 09:30:56