GMT 0.24% $2.07 goodman property trust (ns) ordinary units

Ann: WAV/RULE: GMT: GMT - Waivers from Rules 9.2.1, 4.2.2(f) and 4.2.2(g)

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    • Release Date: 03/11/14 15:20
    • Summary: WAV/RULE: GMT: GMT - Waivers from Rules 9.2.1, 4.2.2(f) and 4.2.2(g)
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    03/11/2014 15:20
    REL: 1520 HRS Goodman Property Trust
    WAV/RULE: GMT: GMT - Waivers from Rules 9.2.1, 4.2.2(f) and 4.2.2(g)
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Goodman Property Trust (GMT)
    Application for waivers from NZX Main Board Listing Rules 9.2.1, 4.2.2(f) and
    31 October 2014
    Application 1 - Waiver from Rule 9.2.1
    1. On the condition set out in paragraph 2 below, NZX Regulation ("NZXR")
    grants Goodman Property Trust ("GMT") a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 to allow GMT
    to enter into the Proposed Transaction (including to enter into and complete
    the Possible Future Transactions) without obtaining unit holder approval.
    2. The waiver in paragraph 1 above is provided on the condition that the
    Independent Directors of GNZ certify to NZXR, in a form acceptable to NZXR,
    a. they are not interested, in terms of Rule 3.4.3, in the Proposed
    Transaction except as directors of GNZ or any subsidiary of GMT;
    b. the directors of GNZ who are associated with Goodman Group did not vote on
    any resolution to approve the Proposed Transaction;
    c. GMT was not influenced in its decision to enter into the Proposed
    Transaction by the interests of Goodman Group, the Trustees or VCCL;
    d. the terms and conditions of the Proposed Transaction have been negotiated,
    and entered into, on an arms' length and commercial basis;
    e. the terms of the Proposed Transaction are fair and reasonable to GMT and
    its unit holders; and
    f. entry into the Proposed Transaction by GMT is in the best interests of GMT
    and its unit holders who are not related to, or Associated Persons, of
    Goodman Group, the Trustees or VCCL.
    3. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not or
    ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    4.The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    5. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 1
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The policy behind Rule 9.2.1 is to ensure that undue influence is not
    exercised by a Related Party to reach a favourable outcome or transfer of
    value from the Issuer to the Related Party in respect of a transaction, and
    that unit holders are given an opportunity to review transactions where the
    Board may have been subject to actual or perceived influence from a Related
    Party. NZXR may waive the requirement to obtain approval of the Material
    Transaction if it is satisfied that the involvement of any Related Parties is
    unlikely to influence the promotion of, or the decision to enter into the
    transaction. The granting of the waiver will not offend the policy behind
    Rule 9.2.1.
    b. The substance of the Proposed Transaction, from GMT's perspective, is the
    sale of a 49% interest in the Air New Zealand and Fonterra buildings to Reco,
    an unrelated party of GMT. The value of those buildings for the purposes of
    the Proposed Transaction has been negotiated between GMT and Reco without any
    input from Goodman Group, the Trustees or VCCL.
    c. The involvement of Goodman Group in the Proposed Transaction is unlikely
    to have influenced the promotion of the proposal to enter into the Proposed
    Transaction or its terms and conditions. Goodman Group is only involved in
    minor aspects of the wider transaction and the quantum of the fees to be paid
    to Goodman Group in connection with the Proposed Transaction is well below
    the Material Transaction threshold for services, being 1% of Average Market
    Capitalisation, contained in Rule 9.2.2(e). The directors of GNZ associated
    with Goodman Group did not vote on any resolution to approve the Proposed
    Transaction. Further, NZXR is satisfied that there will be no transfer of
    value from GMT to Goodman Group under the Proposed Transaction.  VCCL will
    enter into the Asset Management Agreement and New Services Agreement, the
    terms of which have been negotiated and agreed between Reco and GPS (which
    are arm's length parties).  GMT will also receive a rebate of the fees equal
    to 51% of the fees paid by VCCL under the Asset Management Agreement such
    that GMT will not directly bear any proportion of those fees.
    d. NZXR considers that it is unlikely that the Trustees could have influenced
    GMT's decision to enter into the Proposed Transaction for the following
    i. the only connection between GMT and the Trustees is their involvement in
    VCCL as joint venture partners. NZXR has recognised in previous waiver
    decisions that connections between parties that arise due to joint venture
    arrangements are often unlikely to be the type of relationship that Rule
    9.2.1 aims to regulate; and
    ii. the Trustees have no ownership interest in, or element of control over,
    e. NZXR is also satisfied that there will be no transfer of value from GMT to
    the Trustees as a result of the Proposed Transaction. The Trustees' only
    involvement in the Proposed Transaction is the sale of its interest in VCCL
    to Reco and GMT. The price for that sale has been determined based on an
    independent valuation and GMT will pay (per share in VCCL) the same
    consideration as Reco, a party unrelated to both GMT and the Trustees.
    f. VCCL is technically a Related Party of GMT under the operation of Rules
    1.8.2 and 9.2.3(c). However NZXR does not consider that the connection
    between VCCL and GMT is the type of relationship that Rule 9.2.1 is aimed at
    regulating. GMT is a 50% shareholder in VCCL and there does not appear to be
    any ability for VCCL to exert influence over GMT's decisions in relation to
    g. The certifications provided by the Independent Directors of GNZ provide
    unit holders with comfort that the Proposed Transaction has been negotiated
    and entered into on an arms' length and commercial basis, is in the best
    interests of GMT and its unit holders and that none of Goodman Group, the
    Trustees nor VCCL influenced its decision to enter into the Proposed
    Application 2 - Waiver from Rules 4.2.2(f) and 4.2.2(g)
    6. On the condition set out in paragraph 7 below, NZXR grants GMT a waiver
    from Rules 4.2.2(f) and 4.2.2(g) to allow GMT to enter into the New
    Shareholder Agreement, as part of the Proposed Transaction.
    7. The waiver in paragraph 6 above is provided on the following conditions:
    a. the certificate described in paragraph 2 above is provided to NZXR; and
    b. in approving the entry into of the New Shareholder Agreement, the
    Directors of GNZ act in good faith in the best interests of GMT, and not with
    the intention of restricting or preventing Transfers of Securities (as those
    terms are defined under the Rules) of GMT.
    8. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not or
    ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    9. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    10. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 6
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. Rule 4.2.3 provides an exception from the prohibitions in Rules 4.2.2(f)
    and 4.2.2(g) if the agreement is entered into with a person who is not a
    Related Party, and if, in approving the entry into that agreement, the
    Directors of the Issuer act in good faith in the best interest of the Issuer,
    and not with the intention of restricting or preventing Transfers of
    Securities of the Issuer. As discussed above in paragraph 5f, GMT is a 50%
    shareholder in VCCL and there does not appear to be any ability for VCCL to
    exert influence over GMT's decisions in relation to VCCL. In that respect,
    the granting of this waiver will not offend the policy behind Rules 4.2.2(f)
    and 4.2.2(g) and Rule 4.2.3.
    b. The certifications to be provided by the Independent Directors of GNZ
    provide unit holders with comfort that the entry into the Proposed
    Transaction (and therefore the entry into the New Shareholder Agreement) is
    in the best interest of GMT and its unit holders.
    Appendix One
    1. GMT is a Listed Issuer with units quoted on the NZX Main Board.
    2. The manager of GMT is Goodman (NZ) Limited ("GNZ"), and the trustee is
    Corporate Trust Limited. GNZ is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goodman Group,
    an international property group which is listed on ASX. Goodman Limited, the
    parent company of the Goodman Group of companies ("Goodman Group"), also
    holds approximately 17.6% of the units in GMT.
    3. GMT, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Goodman Nominee (NZ) Limited
    ("Nominee"), holds 50% of the shares in Viaduct Corporate Centre Limited
    ("VCCL"), an incorporated joint venture which holds (through subsidiaries)
    certain office premises located near Viaduct Harbour, Auckland. Nominee acts
    as the agent of Goodman Property Aggregated Limited ("GPAL"), another
    subsidiary of GMT.
    4. 25% of the shares in VCCL are held by private individuals as trustees of
    the Balfour Trust, and 25% are held by private individuals as trustees of the
    Eamon Trust (together, the trustees of the Balfour Trust and the Eamon Trust
    are the "Trustees"). The Trustees and Nominee are parties to a shareholder
    agreement in respect of their relationship as shareholders in VCCL. GMT has
    no other relationship or association with the Trustees. Goodman Property
    Services (NZ) Limited ("GPS"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goodman Group,
    and VCCL are parties to a services agreement, pursuant to which GPS provides
    property management services to VCCL ("Existing Services Agreement").
    5. Separately:
    a. GMT, through Nominee, is the owner of the building ("Air NZ Building")
    known as the "Air NZ Building" on Fanshawe Street, Auckland.
    b. GMT, through Nominee, contracted in 2013 to acquire from Goodman Group a
    building ("Fonterra Building") which is currently being constructed and which
    will be used as Fonterra's head office, located at the corner of Fanshawe
    Street and Halsey Street, Auckland.
    6. A proposed transaction ("Proposed Transaction") is currently being
    negotiated by GNZ concerning VCCL, the Air NZ Building and the Fonterra
    Building. The Proposed Transaction provides for Reco Aotearoa Private Limited
    ("Reco"), an entity that is part of the GIC group of companies, to acquire a
    49% shareholding in VCCL, and (through that shareholding) an interest in the
    Air NZ Building and the Fonterra Building. The GIC group of companies is
    wholly-owned by the Government of Singapore, consisting of a number of
    investment entities/sub-groups (one of which is GIC (Realty) Private Limited)
    and has interests in a wide range of investment funds worldwide.
    7. The Proposed Transaction would be comprised of the following elements:
    a. Nominee, GPS, GPAL, Reco, the Trustees, and two individuals (as
    covenantors) related to the Trustees would enter into a sale and purchase
    agreement for the sale of the Trustees' shares in VCCL. It would be subject
    to a number of conditions. Reco, Goodman Limited, GPS, GNZ, Nominee and GPAL
    would also enter into a framework deed, providing for the following
    structuring steps to be taken, and for Goodman Group and GMT to grant VCCL a
    right of first refusal over the acquisition and development of office
    properties in the Auckland viaduct area.
    b. On the conditions in that sale and purchase agreement being satisfied:
    (i) Reco would acquire a 49% shareholding in VCCL from the Trustees, and
    Nominee would acquire a 1% shareholding in VCCL from the Trustees. It is
    estimated that Reco would pay approximately $48.4 million, and Nominee would
    pay approximately $0.9 million, to the Trustees. Contemporaneously:
    a. VCCL would borrow additional funds from its bank (if required), or where
    such funding is required and not available to VCCL, Reco and Nominee would
    advance the necessary funds to VCCL, and VCCL would close out its current
    interest rate swaps with that bank. The additional borrowings or advances (as
    applicable) are estimated at $1.5 million.
    b. The Existing Services Agreement would be terminated, and a new services
    agreement ("New Services Agreement") would be put in place between VCCL and
    c. VCCL would enter into an asset management agreement ("Asset Management
    Agreement") with GPS. This agreement would provide for VCCL to pay an asset
    management fee to GPS consisting of a base fee and a performance fee. Upon
    payment of the asset management fees, GPS will directly reimburse GMT an
    amount equal to 51% of the fees paid by VCCL under the Asset Management
    d. The Existing Shareholders Agreement between the Trustees and Nominee would
    terminate, and a new agreement ("New Shareholder Agreement") between Reco,
    GPAL, VCCL and Nominee would be entered into.
    (ii) VCCL would borrow additional funds from its bank, or where such funding
    is not available to VCCL, Reco and Nominee would advance, between them, $64
    million to VCCL. VCCL (through a subsidiary) would use these funds to acquire
    the Air NZ Building from Nominee for a purchase price of $64 million.
    (iii) VCCL (or a subsidiary) would enter into an agreement with Nominee to
    acquire the Fonterra Building. VCCL would borrow additional funds from its
    bank, or where such funding is not available to VCCL, Reco and Nominee would
    advance, between them, $4.6 million (plus an amount equal to the interest
    earned on that amount) to VCCL, which would use those funds to pay a deposit
    equal to that amount to Nominee for the acquisition of the Fonterra Building.
    (iv) Following completion of the construction, Nominee would settle the
    acquisition of the Fonterra Building from Goodman Group, and VCCL (or a
    subsidiary) would acquire the Fonterra Building from Nominee. The purchase
    price for the acquisition of the Fonterra Building by VCCL (or a subsidiary)
    will be $93.2 million, which may be adjusted to reflect the final size of the
    Fonterra Building, and an amount calculated by reference to any fitout
    installed by the tenant, up to a maximum purchase price of $106.2 million.
    This acquisition would be funded by shareholder advances from Reco and
    Nominee, new equity contributed by Reco and Nominee and additional borrowings
    (if available) from its bank.
    (v) The Trustees will reimburse GPS for the costs incurred by GPS in
    facilitating the acquisition by Reco of the Trustees' shareholding (to a
    maximum of $100,000).
    (vi) Nominee will give warranties and indemnities concerning the Air NZ
    Building and Fonterra Building to VCCL, and warranties and indemnities
    concerning VCCL (including its properties and taxation) to Reco.
    c. The New Shareholder Agreement will include provisions which may require
    Nominee to effect certain transactions in the future as summarised below
    ("Possible Future Transactions"):
    (i) Deadlock:  If the board of VCCL fails to pass a proposed resolution
    concerning a set of designated matters, then, in certain circumstances and
    following a series of procedures designed to resolve the deadlock, Reco could
    give notice to Nominee requiring Nominee to either acquire Reco's shares in
    (and loans to) VCCL, or sell Nominee's shares in (and loans to) VCCL to Reco.
     If Nominee does not make an election, it would be required to sell its
    interests in VCCL to Reco.  In each case, the price for the shares would be
    set by Reco in its original notice (although it could not be less than net
    asset value per share) and the price for the loans would be the amount
    outstanding under the loans.
    (ii) Drag along - VCCL:  If Reco wishes to sell its shares in (and loans to)
    VCCL, and Nominee does not acquire those interests under its pre-emptive
    rights, or elect to "tag along" on the sale by Reco (and sell its own
    interests to the same purchaser), Reco may require Nominee to sell a 1%
    shareholding in VCCL (and 1% of the shareholder loans to VCCL) to the
    purchaser of Reco's interests. In essence, this is to allow a purchaser from
    Reco to acquire a 50% interest in VCCL.  Shareholder loans would be
    transferred at a price equal to the amount outstanding under the loans.
    Shares would be transferred at fair value (either as agreed by Reco and
    Nominee, or as determined by an independent valuer).
    (iii) Drag along - subsidiary of VCCL: If Reco proposes that any building
    owned by a subsidiary of VCCL be sold, or that VCCL sells all of VCCL's legal
    and beneficial interest in a subsidiary (each a "Relevant Asset"), and either
    (a) the parties do not agree on the terms of the disposal, or no third party
    has agreed to acquire the Relevant Asset within the specified time period, or
    (b) Nominee does not acquire the Relevant Asset from VCCL or the relevant
    subsidiary (as applicable) under its pre-emptive rights, Reco may require
    Nominee to:
    i. subject to paragraph c(iii)ii. below, acquire a proportion of the Relevant
    Asset from VCCL or the relevant subsidiary (as applicable) (with such
    proportion being equal to the proportion of shares in VCCL held by Nominee),
    with the remaining proportion of the Relevant Asset to be sold to a third
    party purchaser; and
    ii. procure the sale of 1% of Nominee's indirect interest in the Relevant
    Asset to a third party purchaser of the Relevant Asset.  In essence, this is
    to allow a third party purchaser to acquire a 50% interest in the Relevant
    Asset from VCCL or its the subsidiary (as applicable), with Nominee acquiring
    the remaining 50% interest.
    The purchase price for Reco's indirect interest (and Nominee's indirect
    interest (if the drag along provision were to apply)) in the Relevant Asset
    would be a single cash purchase price (ultimately applied on a pro-rata basis
    between Reco and Nominee) that is not less than, and on terms and conditions
    no more favourable than, those offered by Reco to Nominee under its
    pre-emptive rights.
    (iv) Default:  If Nominee is in breach of the New Shareholder Agreement, or
    certain insolvency or other events occur with respect to Nominee, Reco may
    require Nominee to offer all of its shares in (and loans to) VCCL to Reco.
    The purchase price would be 90% of fair value (as described above) for any
    shares, and 90% of the amount outstanding for any loans.
    (v) Change of control: If there is a change in control of Nominee, which
    means that any of the following apply:
    a. Nominee no longer being a subsidiary of GMT;
    b. GNZ no longer being manager of GMT;
    c. GNZ no longer being a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goodman Group;
    d. any person (other than Goodman Group) having beneficial ownership of 25%
    or more of the units in GMT; or
    e. if Goodman Limited at the date of the New Shareholder Agreement is
    controlled by a person and that person ceases to control Goodman Limited, or
    Goodman Limited is not at the date of the New Shareholder Agreement
    controlled by any person and Goodman Limited comes to be controlled by one
    Nominee is deemed to offer to sell its shares in VCCL (at fair value, as
    described above) and loans to VCCL (at a price equal to the outstanding
    amount to Reco).
    (vi) Put option: In connection with VCCL, if Nominee or any of its employees
    is attributed, as determined by a relevant court, tribunal or regulatory
    authority or other applicable agency, with a violation, or failure, of any
    applicable laws and regulations relating to bribery or corruption, and Reco
    (acting reasonably) considers that violation or failure to be material, then
    Reco may require Nominee to acquire all of Reco's shares in (and loans to)
    VCCL.  The loans would be transferred at a price equal to the amount
    outstanding under the loans, and the shares would be transferred at fair
    value (as described above).
    Appendix Two
    Rule 1.8.2 provides:
    A person (the "first person") is associated with another person (the "second
    person") if, in making a decision or exercising a power affecting an Issuer,
    the first person could be influenced as a consequence of an Arrangement or
    relationship existing between, or involving, the first person and the second
    Rule 1.8.3 provides:
    Without limiting Rule 1.8.2, the first person is associated with the second
    person if:
    (a) the first person is a company, and the second person is:
    (i) Director of that company; or
    (ii) Related Company of that company; or
    (iii) Director of a Related Company of that company; or
    (b) the first person is a spouse, domestic companion, child or parent of the
    second person, or a nominee or trustee for any of them or for the second
    person; or
    (c) the first person is a Director of a company, or holds a Relevant Interest
    in Securities carrying more than 10% of the Votes of a company and the first
    person and the second person are parties to an Arrangement relating to the
    control of, or the control or ownership of Securities in, that company, which
    Arrangement affects Securities of that company carrying more than 30% of the
    total Votes attaching to Securities of that company; or
    (d) the first person and the second person are acting jointly or in concert;
    (e) the first person and/or the second person propose to do, or are likely to
    do, anything which will cause them to become associated in terms of
    paragraphs (a) to (d) above or Rule 1.8.2
    Rule 4.2.1 provides:
    Except as permitted or required by Rule 4.3 no Issuer may:
    (a) include in its Constitution any provision; or
    (b) do anything or omit to do anything;
    which would have the effect of causing or permitting an outcome or condition
    described in Rule 4.2.2.
    Rule 4.2.2 provides:
    An outcome or condition is prohibited for the purposes of Rule 4.2.1 if:
    (a) registration of any transfer of a Quoted Equity Security is prevented or
    restricted, or made subject to a precondition, other than as permitted by
    Section 11; or
    (b) the enjoyment by a new holder of any benefit or right conferred by the
    Issuer on the holder of a Quoted Equity Security, is conditional on anything
    other than registration of the relevant transfer; or
    (c) any benefit or right conferred by the Issuer on the holder of a Quoted
    Equity Security is cancelled or varied or made contingent by reason of a
    Transfer of that Quoted Equity Security; or
    (d) any Quoted Equity Security may be redeemed, cancelled, made forfeit,
    disposed of or otherwise dealt with, by reason of a Transfer of that or any
    other Quoted Equity Security without the consent of the holder, other than as
    permitted by Rule 8.2 and Rule 8.5; or
    (e) any benefit or right conferred by the Issuer on the holder of a Security
    is enhanced, extended, or crystallises or attaches by reason of a Transfer of
    a Quoted Equity Security; or
    (f) any material benefit, right or asset of the Issuer terminates or is
    disposed of or is made contingent or the subject of a third party option by
    reason of a Transfer of a Quoted Equity Security of the Issuer; or
    (g) any material liability or obligation of the Issuer crystallises or arises
    or can be made due and payable before its normal maturity by a third party by
    reason of a Transfer of a Quoted Equity Security of the Issuer.
    Nothing in this Rule limits any rule of law, whether relating to the duties
    of Directors or otherwise.
    Rule 4.2.3 provides:
    Notwithstanding Rule 4.2.1 an Issuer may enter into an agreement which may
    have one or more of the effects specified in Rule 4.2.2(f) or Rule 4.2.2(g)
    if that agreement is entered into with a person who is not a Related Party
    (as defined in Rule 9.2.3) of the Issuer and if, in approving the entry into
    of that agreement, the Directors of the Issuer act in good faith in the best
    interests of the Issuer, and not with the intention of restricting or
    preventing Transfers of Securities of the Issuer.
    Rule 9.2.1 provides:
    An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related Party is,
    or is likely to become:
    (a) a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part; or
    (b) in the case of a guarantee or other transaction of the nature referred to
    in paragraph (d) of the definition of Material Transaction, a direct or
    indirect beneficiary of such guarantee or other transaction,
    unless that Material Transaction is approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    Rule 9.2.2 provides:
    For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Material Transaction" means a transaction or
    a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
    (a) purchases or otherwise acquires, gains, leases (as lessor or lessee) or
    sells or otherwise disposes of, assets having an Aggregate Net Value in
    excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer; or
    (b) issues its own Securities or acquires its own Equity Securities having a
    market value in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of that
    Issuer, save in the case of an issue pursuant to Rule 7.3.5 where only the
    market value of those Securities being issued to the Related Party or to any
    Employees of the Issuer are to be taken into account; or
    (c) borrows, lends, pays, or receives, money, or incurs an obligation, of an
    amount in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer;
    (d) enters into any guarantee, indemnity, underwriting, or similar
    obligation, or gives any security, for or of obligations which could expose
    the Issuer to liability in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation
    of the Issuer; or
    (e) provides or obtains any services (including without limitation obtaining
    underwriting of Securities or services as an Employee) in respect of which
    the actual gross cost to the Issuer in any financial year (ignoring any
    returns or benefits in connection with such services) is likely to exceed an
    amount equal to 1% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer; or
    (f) amalgamates, except for amalgamations of a wholly owned Subsidiary with
    another wholly owned Subsidiary or with the Issuer:
    (g) For the purposes of Rule 9.2.2(a), "Aggregate Net Value" means the net
    value of those assets calculated as the greater of the net tangible asset
    backing value (from the most recently published financial statements) or
    market value.
    Rule 9.2.3 provides:
    For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Related Party" means a person who is at the
    time of a Material Transaction, or was at any time within six months before a
    Material Transaction:
    (a) a Director or executive officer of the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries;
    (b) the holder of a Relevant Interest in 10% or more of a Class of Equity
    Securities of the Issuer carrying Votes; or
    (c) an Associated Person of the Issuer or any of the persons referred to in
    (a) or (b), other than a person who becomes an Associated Person as a
    consequence of the Material Transaction itself (or an intention or proposal
    to enter into the Material Transaction itself); or
    (d) a person in respect of whom there are arrangements other than the
    Material Transaction itself, intended to result in that person becoming a
    person described in (a), (b), or (c), or of whom the attainment of such a
    status may reasonably be expected, other than as a consequence of the
    Material Transaction itself;
    but a person is not a Related Party of an Issuer if:
    (e) the only reason why that person would otherwise be a Related Party of the
    Issuer is that a Director or executive officer of the Issuer is also a
    Director of that person, so long as:
    (i) not more than one third of the Directors of the Issuer are also Directors
    of that person; and
    (ii) no Director or executive officer of the Issuer has a material direct or
    indirect economic interest in that person, other than by reason of receipt of
    reasonable Directors' fees or executive remuneration; or
    (f) that person is a Subsidiary of, incorporated joint venture of, or
    unincorporated joint venture participant with, the Issuer and:
    (i) no Related Party of the Issuer has or intends to obtain a material direct
    or indirect economic interest in that Subsidiary, incorporated joint venture,
    or unincorporated joint venture participant, other than by reason of receipt
    of reasonable Director's fees or executive remuneration; and
    (ii) the Issuer is entitled to participate, directly or indirectly, in at
    least one half of the income or profits, and the assets, of that Subsidiary,
    incorporated joint venture, or unincorporated joint venture participant.
    End CA:00257156 For:GMT    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2014-11-03 15:20:34
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