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Ann: WAV/RULE: MCK: MCK- Application for a waiver from Rule 9.2.1

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    • Summary: WAV/RULE: MCK: MCK- Application for a waiver from Rule 9.2.1
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    24/12/2014 09:15
    REL: 0915 HRS Millennium & Copthorne Hotels New Zealand Limited
    WAV/RULE: MCK: MCK- Application for a waiver from Rule 9.2.1
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Millennium & Copthorne Hotels New Zealand Limited (MCK)
    Application for a waiver from - NZX Main Board Listing Rule 9.2.1
    24 December 2014
    1.On the condition set out in paragraph 2 below, NZX Regulation ("NZXR")
    grants Millennium & Copthorne Hotels New Zealand Limited ("MCK") a waiver
    from Rule 9.2.1 to allow MCK to enter into the Proposed Transaction without
    obtaining shareholder approval.
    2.The waiver in paragraph 1 above is provided on the condition that the
    Directors of MCK certify to NZXR, in a form acceptable to NZXR, that:
    a.they are not interested, in terms of Rule 3.4.3, in the Proposed
    b. MCK was not influenced in its decision to enter into the Proposed
    Transaction by Tai Tak;
    c. the terms and conditions of the Proposed Transaction have been negotiated,
    and entered into, on an arms' length and commercial basis;
    d. the terms of the Proposed Transaction are fair and reasonable to MCK and
    its shareholders; and
    e. entry into the Proposed Transaction by MCK is in the best interests of MCK
    and its shareholders who are not related to, or Associated Persons of, Tai
    3. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not or
    ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    4. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    5.In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 1
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a.The policy behind Rule 9.2.1 is to ensure that undue influence is not
    exercised by a Related Party to reach a favorable outcome or transfer of
    value from the Issuer to the Related Party in respect of a transaction, and
    that shareholders are given an opportunity to review transactions where the
    Board may have been subject to actual or perceived influence from a Related
    Party. NZXR may waive the requirement to obtain approval of the Material
    Transaction if it is satisfied that the involvement of any Related Parties is
    unlikely to influence the promotion of, or the decision to enter into the
    transaction. As MCK is the purchaser under the Proposed Transaction, the
    decision to enter into the Proposed Transaction will be made by the board of
    MCK. Tai Tak does not have any representatives on the board of MCK nor does
    it have any ownership interest in MCK. It therefore would not have the
    ability to influence MCK in relation to its decision to enter into the
    Proposed Transaction or the terms and conditions MCK is willing to accept.
    Accordingly, the granting of the waiver will not offend the policy behind
    Rule 9.2.1.
    b. NZXR considers that it is unlikely that Tai Tak could have influenced
    MCK's decision to enter into the Proposed Transaction for the following
    i. the decision to enter into the Proposed Transaction will be made by the
    Board of MCK, of which its Directors have no direct or indirect interest in
    Tai Tak.
    ii.Tai Tak has no ownership interest in, or element of control over, MCK.
    c.Tai Tak is technically a Related Party of MCK under the operation of Rules
    1.8.3 and 1.8.2 and 9.2.3(c). However NZXR does not consider that the
    connection between Tai Tak and MCK is the type of relationship that Rule
    9.2.1 is aimed at regulating.  Tai Tak is the minority shareholder in KIN
    Holdings and so there does not appear to be any ability for Tai Tak to exert
    influence over MCK's decisions in relation to KIN Holdings.
    d.NZXR is satisfied that there will be no transfer of value from MCK to Tai
    Tak as a result of the Proposed Transaction. The purchase price for the
    Proposed Transaction is to be determined by reference to the net asset value
    of KIN Holdings, less a discount to be agreed by the parties.  The net asset
    value has been calculated based on an external valuation of KIN Holdings' key
    asset, and the book value of KIN Holdings' other assets.
    e. The certifications provided by the Directors of MCK provide comfort that
    the terms of Proposed Transaction are fair and reasonable to, and in the best
    interests of, MCK and the shareholders who are not Related Parties of Tai
    f.There is precedent for this decision.
    Appendix One
    1. MCK is a Listed Issuer with its shares quoted on the NZX Main Board.
    2. MCK owns 61.3% of the shares in KIN Holdings Limited ("KIN Holdings"). The
    remaining 38.7% of the shares in KIN Holdings are held by Tai Tak Holdings
    Pte Ltd ("Tai Tak").
    3. Tai Tak and MCK are parties to a shareholders' agreement relating to 100%
    of the shares in KIN Holdings.
    4. A proposed transaction is currently being negotiated between Tai Tak and
    MCK that would allow MCK to acquire the remaining 38.7% shareholding in KIN
    Holdings from Tai Tak ("Proposed Transaction").
    5. MCK's Average Market Capitalisation is approximately $136 million.
    6. It is intended that the purchase price for the Proposed Transaction will
    be based on the net asset value of KIN Holdings as at 31 July 2014, less a
    discount to be agreed to by the parties. The net asset value has been
    established based on the market value of KIN Holdings' key asset as
    determined by an external registered valuer, and the book value of KIN
    Holdings' other assets.
    7. The purchase price is expected to be approximately $30 million, being
    approximately 22% of MCK's current Average Market Capitalisation.
    Accordingly the Proposed Transaction is likely to constitute a Material
    Transaction for the purposes of Rule 9.2.2.
    8. Tai Tak is a Related Party of MCK pursuant to Rule 9.2.3(c) because:
    a. Tai Tak and MCK are parties to a shareholders' agreement and act jointly
    or in concert in relation to KIN Holdings; and
    b. Two Directors of Tai Tak or its related companies are Directors of certain
    subsidiaries of MCK, namely:
    i. Mr Calvin Han Leong Ho and Mr Han Khoon Ho are Directors of KIN Holdings;
    ii.Mr Calvin Han Leong Ho is also a Director of Kingsgate Investments Pty
    Limited and Birkenhead Investments Pty Limited, wholly owned subsidiaries of
    KIN Holdings.
    Appendix Two
    Rule 1.8.2 provides:
    A person (the "first person") is associated with another person (the "second
    person") if, in making a decision or exercising a power affecting an Issuer,
    the first person could be influenced as a consequence of an Arrangement or
    relationship existing between, or involving, the first person and the second
    Rule 1.8.3 provides:
    Without limiting Rule 1.8.2, the first person is associated with the second
    person if:
    (a)  the first person is a company, and the second person is:
    (i) Director of that company; or
    (ii) Related Company of that company; or
    (iii) Director of a Related Company of that company; or
    (b) the first person is a spouse, domestic companion, child or parent of the
    second person, or a nominee or trustee for any of them or for the second
    person; or
    (c) the first person is a Director of a company, or holds a Relevant Interest
    in Securities carrying more than 10% of the Votes of a company and the first
    person and the second person are parties to an Arrangement relating to the
    control of, or the control or ownership of Securities in, that company, which
    Arrangement affects Securities of that company carrying more than 30% of the
    total Votes attaching to Securities of that company; or
    (d) the first person and the second person are acting jointly or in concert;
    (e) the first person and/or the second person propose to do, or are likely to
    do, anything which will cause them to become associated in terms of
    paragraphs (a) to (d) above or
    Rule 1.8.2
    Rule 9.2.1 provides:
    An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related Party is,
    or is likely to become:
    (a) a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part; or
    (b) in the case of a guarantee or other transaction of the nature referred to
    in paragraph (d) of the definition of Material Transaction, a direct or
    indirect beneficiary of such guarantee or other transaction,
    unless that Material Transaction is approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    Rule 9.2.2 provides:
    For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Material Transaction" means a transaction or
    a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
    (a) purchases or otherwise acquires, gains, leases (as lessor or lessee) or
    sells or otherwise disposes of, assets having an Aggregate Net Value in
    excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer; or
    (b) issues its own Securities or acquires its own Equity Securities having a
    market value in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of that
    Issuer, save in the case of an issue pursuant to Rule 7.3.5 where only the
    market value of those Securities being issued to the Related Party or to any
    Employees of the Issuer are to be taken into account; or
    (c) borrows, lends, pays, or receives, money, or incurs an obligation, of an
    amount in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer;
    (d) enters into any guarantee, indemnity, underwriting, or similar
    obligation, or gives any security, for or of obligations which could expose
    the Issuer to liability in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation
    of the Issuer; or
    (e) provides or obtains any services (including without limitation obtaining
    underwriting of Securities or services as an Employee) in respect of which
    the actual gross cost to the Issuer in any financial year (ignoring any
    returns or benefits in connection with such services) is likely to exceed an
    amount equal to 1% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer; or
    (f) amalgamates, except for amalgamations of a wholly owned Subsidiary with
    another wholly owned Subsidiary or with the Issuer:
    (g) For the purposes of Rule 9.2.2(a), "Aggregate Net Value" means the net
    value of those assets calculated as the greater of the net tangible asset
    backing value (from the most recently published financial statements) or
    market value.
    Rule 9.2.3 provides:
    For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Related Party" means a person who is at the
    time of a Material Transaction, or was at any time within six months before a
    Material Transaction:
    (a) a Director or executive officer of the Issuer or any of its Subsidiaries;
    (b)  the holder of a Relevant Interest in 10% or more of a Class of Equity
    Securities of the Issuer carrying Votes; or
    (c) an Associated Person of the Issuer or any of the persons referred to in
    (a) or (b), other than a person who becomes an Associated Person as a
    consequence of the Material Transaction itself (or an intention or proposal
    to enter into the Material Transaction itself); or
    (d) a person in respect of whom there are arrangements other than the
    Material Transaction itself, intended to result in that person becoming a
    person described in (a), (b), or
    (c), or of whom the attainment of such a status may reasonably be expected,
    other than as a consequence of the Material Transaction itself;
    but a person is not a Related Party of an Issuer if:
    (e) the only reason why that person would otherwise be a Related Party of the
    Issuer is that a Director or executive officer of the Issuer is also a
    Director of that person, so long as:
    (i) not more than one third of the Directors of the Issuer are also Directors
    of that person; and
    (ii) no Director or executive officer of the Issuer has a material direct or
    indirect economic interest in that person, other than by reason of receipt of
    reasonable Directors' fees or executive remuneration; or
    (f) that person is a Subsidiary of, incorporated joint venture of, or
    unincorporated joint venture participant with, the Issuer and:
    (i) no Related Party of the Issuer has or intends to obtain a material direct
    or indirect economic interest in that Subsidiary, incorporated joint venture,
    or unincorporated joint venture participant, other than by reason of receipt
    of reasonable Director's fees or executive remuneration; and
    (ii) the Issuer is entitled to participate, directly or indirectly, in at
    least one half of the income or profits, and the assets, of that Subsidiary,
    incorporated joint venture, or unincorporated joint venture participant.
    End CA:00259383 For:MCK    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2014-12-24 09:15:02
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