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Ann: WAV/RULE: PCT: PCT - Waivers from NZX Main Board Listing Rules

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    • Summary: WAV/RULE: PCT: PCT - Waivers from NZX Main Board Listing Rules
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    25/02/2015 09:14
    REL: 0914 HRS Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited
    WAV/RULE: PCT: PCT - Waivers from NZX Main Board Listing Rules
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited (PCT)
    Application for waivers from NZX Main Board Listing Rules 7.3.1, 7.10.1,
    7.10.2, 7.10.8, 7.11.1 and 9.2.1
    24 February 2015
    Waiver from Rule 7.3.1
    1. On the condition set out in paragraph 2 below, and on the basis that the
    information provided to NZX is complete and accurate in all material
    respects, NZX Regulation ("NZXR") grants PCT a waiver from NZX Main Board
    Listing Rule ("Rule") 7.3.1(a) so that PCT is not required to obtain
    shareholder approval for the issue of the New Shares in connection with the
    2. The waiver in paragraph 1 above is provided on the condition that the
    issue of the New Shares is conducted in accordance with Rule 7.3.4(a) (read
    in conjunction with Rules 7.3.4(d) to 7.3.4(h)), except for the requirement
    in Rule 7.3.4(a) that the Offer is Renounceable.
    3. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not or
    ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    4. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    5. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 1
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. Rule 7.3.1(a) is designed to prevent the dilution of shareholders'
    interests without their prior approval. The policy of Rule 7.3.4(a) is that
    shareholder approval is not required where all shareholders have the same
    entitlement to participate in the issue because those shareholders have the
    opportunity to avoid dilution.
    b. Rule 7.3.4(a) recognises that an Issuer may make a pro-rata renounceable
    rights issue without the prior approval of its shareholders under Rule
    7.3.1(a). NZXR is satisfied that the issue of the New Shares is consistent
    with the policy of Rule 7.3.4(a). The New Shares will be offered on a
    pro-rata basis to eligible shareholders and they will have the opportunity to
    maintain their existing proportionate rights. The New Shares will not be
    offered to Ineligible Shareholders, which is consistent with the policy of
    Rule 7.3.4(h) for offers conducted in accordance with Rule 7.3.4(a).
    c. The Offer will provide a return to shareholders who do not, or are unable
    to, exercise their entitlement in the form of any premium reached in the
    Institutional Bookbuild and Retail Bookbuild in excess of the Entitlement
    Price. Accordingly, while the Offer is not strictly Renounceable in
    accordance with the definition in the Rules, it does fulfil the purpose of
    the requirement for an offer to be Renounceable.
    d. The condition in paragraph 2 above will ensure that any exceptions to the
    proportionate nature of the issue must be conducted in accordance with Rules
    e. Accordingly, NZXR is satisfied that the policy of Rule 7.3.1 will not be
    offended by the granting of this waiver.
    f. There is precedent for this decision.
    Waiver from Rule 7.10.1
    6. On the basis that the information provided to NZX is complete and accurate
    in all material respects, NZXR grants PCT a waiver from Rule 7.10.1 to enable
    eligible institutional shareholders to be notified of their entitlement prior
    to the Record Date, and to enable that notification to occur by means other
    than by physical letters of entitlement.
    7. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not or
    ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    8. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    9. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 6
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The policy behind Rule 7.10.1 is to ensure that letters of entitlement are
    sent as soon as possible after the Record Date for an entitlement. This
    ensures that shareholders have the maximum amount of time in which to
    consider how to deal with their entitlement.
    b. The waiver will only apply to eligible institutional shareholders. NZXR
    accepts PCT's submission that due to the proposed structure of the Offer, PCT
    will need to calculate the entitlements of its eligible institutional
    shareholders prior to Record Date, and inform the eligible institutional
    shareholders of their entitlement in time for them to participate in the
    Institutional Entitlement Offer.
    c. Rule 7.10.1 contemplates that an Issuer will not know the identity of
    entitled shareholders prior to Record Date. In this case, the entitled
    institutional shareholders will be known prior to Record Date. NZXR does not
    consider the policy behind Rule 7.10.1 would be to preclude notification of
    entitlements prior to Record Date when such entitlements are known.
    d. PCT will need to notify institutional shareholders of their entitlement in
    as timely manner as possible, which may include means other than physical
    letters of entitlement.
    e. With regard to retail shareholders, PCT will be required to comply with
    Rule 7.10.1.
    f. NZXR is satisfied that the policy behind Rule 7.10.1 will not be offended
    by granting this waiver.
    g. There is precedent for this decision.
    Waiver from Rule 7.10.2
    10. On the condition set out in paragraph 11 below and on the basis that the
    information provided to NZXR is full and accurate in all material respects,
    NZXR grants PCT a waiver from Rule 7.10.2 to the extent that it would
    otherwise require the Institutional Entitlement Offer to remain open for
    twelve Business Days.
    11. The waiver in paragraph 10 above is provided on the condition that the
    announcement and offer booklet for the Offer will clearly state that a
    shorter than usual offer period will be available to institutional
    shareholders under the Institutional Entitlement Offer.
    12. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not
    or ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    13. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    14. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 10
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The policy behind Rule 7.10.2 is to ensure that shareholders have
    sufficient time to consider, and act on, an entitlement offer.
    b. The waiver only applies in respect of institutional shareholders. NZXR
    accepts PCT's submission that such shareholders are accustomed to considering
    offers and making investment decisions at short notice.
    c. The Retail Entitlement Offer will be open for the full twelve Business Day
    period as required by Rule 7.10.2.
    d. Accordingly, NZXR is satisfied that the policy behind Rule 7.10.2 will not
    be offended by granting this waiver.
    e. There is precedent for this decision.
    Waiver from Rule 7.10.8
    15. On the condition set out in paragraph 16 below and on the basis that the
    information provided to NZXR is full and accurate in all material respects,
    NZXR grants PCT a waiver from Rule 7.10.8 to the extent that the Rule would
    otherwise require notification of the Offer five Business Days before the Ex
    16. The waiver in paragraph 15 above is provided on the condition that the
    Offer is notified to the market in accordance with Rule 7.10.8 no later than
    the Ex Date for the Offer.
    17. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not
    or ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    18. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    19. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 15
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The policy behind Rule 7.10.8 is to provide shareholders and stakeholders
    within the market sufficient notice of an upcoming entitlement. It also
    provides an opportunity for investors to trade in or out of that relevant
    b. NZXR has been advised that from an operational level, with particular
    regard to PCT's registry, the shortened notification period of the Record
    Date does not provide any issues.
    c. It is a feature of an AREO that an Issuer does not provide five Business
    Days prior notification of the Record Date and without waiving the Rule, PCT
    would be unable to undertake the Offer.
    d. NZXR accepts PCT's submissions regarding the benefits of the AREO
    structure, as set out in paragraph 10 of Appendix One.
    e. There is precedent for this decision.
    Waiver from Rule 7.11.1
    20. On the condition set out in paragraph 21 below, and on the basis that the
    information provided to is full and accurate in all material respects, NZXR
    grants PCT a waiver from Rule 7.11.1 to the extent that the Rule would
    otherwise require the allotment of New Shares to the Takeover Shareholders in
    respect of subscriptions received under the Institutional Entitlement Offer
    to occur within five Business Days of the closing date for the Institutional
    Entitlement Offer.
    21. The waiver in paragraph 20 above is provided on the condition that
    allotment of New Shares to the Takeover Shareholders occurs on the settlement
    date for the Retail Entitlement Offer.
    22. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not
    or ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    23. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    24. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 20
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The policy of Rule 7.11.1 is to ensure that, where application monies have
    been submitted, subscribers obtain the benefit of their investment without
    undue delay.
    b. The Takeover Shareholders are not being required to submit their money
    until the close of the Retail Entitlement Offer. Accordingly, in effect, the
    Takeover Shareholders will not be denied the benefit of this capital for any
    greater period than would have otherwise been the case, as a result of this
    c. There is precedent for this decision.
    Waiver from Rule 9.2.1
    25. On the conditions set out in paragraph 26 below, and on the basis that
    the information provided to NZXR is full and accurate in all material
    respects, NZXR grants PCT a waiver from Rule 9.2.1 so that PCT is not
    required to seek shareholder approval for the Offer and the Underwriting
    Agreement to the extent that:
    a. FNZ is a party to the Underwriting Agreement;
    b. any AMP Entities and Funds participate in the Institutional Bookbuild or
    Retail Bookbuild and/or act as a sub-underwriter of the Offer; and/or
    c. any Related Party of PCT, including Haumi, any AMP Entity and Funds, the
    Trustee, or any Director, executive officer, or Associated Person of a
    Director or executive officer (each a "Related Party Participant")
    participates in the Institutional Entitlement Offer or the Retail Entitlement
    26. The waiver in paragraph 25 above is provided on the conditions that:
    a. The independent Directors of PCT, other than Graeme Wong, certify to NZX
    i. the terms of the Underwriting Agreement with the Underwriters were
    negotiated on an arm's length and commercial basis, and FNZ will underwrite
    the Offer on the same terms as Credit Suisse;
    ii. the terms of the Offer and Underwriting Agreement are fair and in the
    best interests of PCT shareholders that are not associated with the
    Underwriters, any AMP Entity and Funds or the Related Party Participants;
    iii. PCT will pay and receive fair value under the Offer and Underwriting
    iv. PCT was not influenced in its decision to enter into the Offer and
    Underwriting Agreement by the interests of FNZ, any AMP Entity and Funds or
    any other Related Party Participant; and
    v. Chris Judd did not vote on any resolution to enter into the Offer or
    Underwriting Agreement;
    b. Russell McVeagh provides a solicitor's opinion confirming that, in its
    opinion, the terms of the Underwriting Agreement (other than the fees) are
    consistent with the terms of an arm's length underwriting transaction;
    c. The terms and conditions on which AMP Entities and Funds participate in
    the Institutional Bookbuild and the Retail Bookbuild (if applicable) are
    identical to those offered to all other investors participating in the
    relevant bookbuild;
    d. The Underwriters certify to NZXR that the terms of any sub-underwriting
    agreement with any AMP Entity and Funds will be negotiated on an arm's length
    and commercial basis with the Underwriters, and there will be no material
    differences between the terms of any such sub-underwriting agreement and the
    terms of sub-underwriting agreements with any other sub-underwriters not
    related to an AMP Entity and Funds;
    e. The Offer is conducted in accordance with the condition to the waiver from
    Rule 7.3.1 set out in paragraph 2; and
    f. The waiver, its conditions and effects are disclosed in the Offer's offer
    booklet and annual report for the year in which the Offer takes place.
    27. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix
    One to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not
    or ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    28. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    29. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 25
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. The policy behind Rule 9.2.1 is to regulate transactions where a Related
    Party to a Material Transaction may gain favourable consideration due to its
    relationship with the Issuer. NZXR may waive the requirement to obtain
    approval of a Material Transaction if it is satisfied that the involvement of
    any Related Party is plainly unlikely to have influenced the promotion of, or
    the decision to enter into, the transaction. The granting of this waiver will
    not offend the policy behind Rule 9.2.1.
    b. FNZ is technically a Related Party of PCT under the operation of Rules
    1.8.3(a)(iii) and 9.2.3(c). However NZXR does not consider that the
    connection between PCT and FNZ is the type of relationship that Rule 9.2.1 is
    aimed at regulating. NZXR considers that it is unlikely that the relationship
    between FNZ and PCT (as distinct from FNZ acting in any advisory capacity as
    lead manager of the Offer) could influence PCT's decision making in relation
    to the Underwriting or the Offer. The conditions in paragraph 26(a) and (b)
    provide shareholders with comfort that the Underwriting Agreement has been
    negotiated on a commercial and arm's length basis.
    c. The participation by the Related Party Participants in the Institutional
    Entitlement Offer or the Retail Entitlement Offer will be on identical terms
    (including as to price and ratio) as all other shareholders in PCT on the
    record date. Accordingly the Related Party Participants will not gain
    favourable consideration due to their relationship with PCT.
    d. If invited to participate in the Institutional Bookbuild or the Retail
    Bookbuild or to act as a sub-underwriter for the Offer, the AMP Entities and
    Funds will participate on materially the same terms as all other participants
    (including as to the price paid under the bookbuilds and the sub-underwriting
    fee). The conditions set out in paragraphs 26(c) and (d) provide comfort in
    this regard. Accordingly the AMP Entities and Funds will not gain favourable
    consideration due to their relationship with PCT. It is unlikely that the AMP
    Entities and Funds could have influenced PCT's decision to proceed with the
    Offer and the Underwriting Agreement as Mr Judd has not voted on any PCT
    Board resolution to enter into the Offer or the Underwriting Agreement.
    e. The certifications provided by the Independent Directors, other than Mr
    Wong, provide PCT shareholders with comfort that:
    i. the Offer and Underwriting Agreement are fair and reasonable to, and in
    the best interests of, PCT and its shareholders who are not related to, or
    Associated Persons of, FNZ, the AMP Entities and Funds or the Related Party
    Participants; and
    ii. PCT was not influenced in its decision to enter into the Offer and
    Underwriting Agreement by the interests of FNZ, any AMP Entity and Funds or
    any other Related Party Participant.
    f. There is precedent for this decision.
    30.  PCT has requested that this application and any decision be kept
    confidential until PCT has announced the Offer.
    31.  In accordance with Footnote 1 to Rule 1.11.2, NZXR grants PCT's request.
    Appendix One
    1. Precinct Properties New Zealand Limited ("PCT") is a Listed Issuer with
    ordinary shares and bonds Quoted on the NZX Main Board and NZX Debt Market,
    2. AMP Haumi Management Limited is the manager of PCT ("Manager"). It employs
    PCT's executive officers. The Manager is a joint venture between Haumi
    Development Auckland Limited ("Haumi), which is a member of the same group as
    Haumi (NZ) Limited Partnership; and AMP Capital Investors International
    Holdings Limited ("AMP Shareholder"), which is a member of the AMP Limited
    group of companies. Haumi holds 18.8% of all of PCT's ordinary shares on
    3. PCT proposes to undertake a capital raising ("Offer") by way of a pro rata
    offer of new shares in PCT ("New Shares"). The Offer will be made in the form
    of an accelerated renounceable entitlement offer (commonly referred to as an
    "AREO").  The Offer is to be conducted in the following stages:
    a. Institutional Entitlement Offer: An accelerated entitlement offer at a
    fixed price ("Entitlement Price") to institutional shareholders resident in
    New Zealand and various overseas jurisdictions ("Institutional Entitlement
    b. Institutional Bookbuild: New Shares not taken up by eligible institutional
    shareholders, along with New Shares in respect of entitlements that would
    have been offered to any ineligible overseas institutional shareholders,
    offered under a bookbuild to a broad audience of institutional investors
    ("Institutional Bookbuild"). If the price achieved in the Institutional
    Bookbuild is higher than the Entitlement Price, the excess will be shared (on
    a pro rata basis) between the institutional shareholders who did not, or who
    were not able to, take up their entitlement;
    c. Retail Entitlement Offer: Following completion of the Institutional
    Bookbuild, a pro rata offer of New Shares at the same price and ratio as the
    Institutional Entitlement Offer to retail shareholders in New Zealand and
    Australia who did not receive an offer under the Institutional Entitlement
    Offer ("Retail Entitlement Offer").
    d. Retail Bookbuild: New Shares not taken up by eligible retail shareholders,
    along with New Shares in respect of entitlements that would have been offered
    to any ineligible overseas retail shareholders, offered under a bookbuild to
    a broad audience of institutional investors ("Retail Bookbuild"). If the
    price achieved in the Retail Bookbuild is higher than the Entitlement Price,
    the excess will be shared (on a pro rata basis) between the retail
    shareholders who did not, or who were not able to, take up their entitlement;
    4. All eligible shareholders will be offered New Shares on a basis that would
    (if accepted by all shareholders) maintain the existing proportionate rights
    of each shareholder (relative to all other shareholders) to votes and
    distributions. New Shares in respect of entitlements that are not taken up,
    or not able to be taken up, by shareholders will be offered through the
    Institutional Bookbuild and the Retail Bookbuild, providing an opportunity
    for shareholders that do not, or are not eligible to, take up their
    entitlements to receive value for them.  Entitlements will not be able to be
    traded or sold privately by shareholders.
    5. PCT will not make the Offer available to PCT shareholders resident in
    certain overseas jurisdictions ("Ineligible Shareholders"), on the grounds
    that it would be unduly onerous for PCT to make the Offer available to those
    Ineligible Shareholders.  New Shares in respect of the entitlements of
    Ineligible Shareholders will offered through the Institutional Bookbuild and
    the Retail Bookbuild, providing Ineligible Shareholders an opportunity to
    receive value for their entitlements.
    6. The New Shares will be of the same class and have the same rights as PCT
    shares that are currently on issue and will be quoted on the NZX Main Board
    on their allotment
    7. The Offer will be underwritten by First NZ Capital Securities Limited
    ("FNZ") and Credit Suisse (Australia) Limited ("Credit Suisse") (together the
    "Underwriters"), with whom PCT will enter into an underwriting agreement
    ("Underwriting Agreement"). The Underwriters may also enter into
    sub-underwriting arrangements. The Underwriters will not underwrite Haumi's
    entitlement. Haumi will instead be asked to give a commitment immediately
    prior to the Offer's launch that it will take up its entitlements under the
    Institutional Entitlement Offer to maintain its current proportional holding
    in PCT's shares. Haumi's commitment will be disclosed in the offer booklet.
    8. The AREO will be conducted in accordance with the following timetable:
    Date Event
    25 February 2015 Announcement of Offer
    Offer document released to NZX
    Opening Date for Institutional Entitlement Offer
    26 February 2015 Closing date for Institutional Entitlement Offer
    27 February 2015 Institutional Bookbuild
    Record date (5pm) for Institutional Entitlement Offer and Retail Entitlement
    2 March 2015 Last day for mail-out of retail letters of entitlement
    Retail Entitlement Offer Opens
    4 March 2015 Settlement and allotment date for Institutional Entitlement
    Offer and Institutional Bookbuild
    18 March 2015 Closing Date for Retail Entitlement Offer
    20 March 2015 Retail Bookbuild
    25 March 2015 Settlement and allotment date for Retail Entitlement Offer and
    Retail Bookbuild
    9. The Offer is to be conducted pursuant to clause 19 of schedule 1 of the
    Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 ("FMCA") and the associated regulations.
    An offer booklet will be prepared and, prior to an offer being made, a notice
    will be released by PCT to the NZX Main Board, in accordance with the FMCA.
    10. The main benefits to PCT of adopting the AREO structure for its Offer are
    as follows:
    a. The accelerated institutional component of the Offer means that the
    underwriters have a much shorter period of exposure on that part of the
    Offer. This reduced exposure means that obtaining an underwriting commitment
    is much more achievable for PCT, as both the risk and the cost associated
    with the underwriters are substantially reduced;
    b. The underwriting provides certainty to PCT as to the minimum amount to be
    raised from the Offer;
    c. Evidence from similar entitlement offers undertaken in Australia with an
    AREO structure suggests that the shorter timetable for the institutional
    component of the offer potentially reduces the issue price discount when
    compared to traditional rights issues as less market risk arises for
    institutions; and
    d. As the Institutional Entitlement Offer and the Institutional Bookbuild
    will be conducted at the beginning of the Offer, other than in respect of
    certain PCT Shareholders that will need to defer the settlement of their
    subscriptions in order to comply with the Takeovers Code, PCT will receive
    the proceeds of the Institutional Entitlement Offer and the Institutional
    Bookbuild before the Retail Entitlement Offer is completed.
    Waiver from Rule 7.10.1 - Further Background
    11. Under the AREO structure, the Record Date for the Institutional
    Entitlement Offer is to be 5.00pm on the Business Day after the Institutional
    Entitlement Offer closes. As a result PCT will need to:
    a. calculate the entitlements of its eligible institutional shareholders
    prior to the Record Date; and
    b. notify eligible institutional shareholders of their entitlement prior to
    the Record Date and in as timely manner as possible (which may include means
    other than physical letters of entitlement).
    Waiver from Rule 7.10.2 - Further Background
    12. PCT considers that it is important that upfront commitments are received
    from eligible institutional shareholders to enable PCT to obtain the benefits
    of the AREO structure described in paragraph 10 above. According to the
    proposed offer timetable, the offer booklet will be provided to eligible
    institutional shareholders on the day on which the Institutional Entitlement
    Offer is announced and opens, with those institutions then having the rest of
    that day and part of the following day to consider the Offer.  PCT considers
    that eligible institutional shareholders in PCT are unlikely to be prejudiced
    as a result of the shortened offer period because:
    a. Institutional shareholders are accustomed to considering offers and making
    investment decisions at short notice;
    b. The proposed timetable is consistent with market practice for offers to
    such investors; and
    13. The announcement and offer booklet for the Offer will clearly state that
    a shorter than usual offer period will be available to eligible institutional
    shareholders under the Institutional Entitlement Offer.
    Waiver from Rule 7.10.8 - Further Background
    14. The AREO structure provides for the Offer be announced to the market at
    the same time that the Institutional Entitlement Offer opens. This is the
    standard timeframe for AREO transactions, and one with which institutional
    investors in New Zealand and overseas is familiar with.
    Waiver from Rule 7.11.1 - Further Background
    15. Certain PCT shareholders ("Takeover Shareholders"), including Haumi;
    certain entities within the AMP Limited group of companies, including the
    funds, entities and schemes managed by these companies, and/or the managers,
    trustees and custodians of those funds, entities and schemes ("AMP Entities
    and Funds"); AMP Haumi LT1 Trustee Limited ("Trustee"); and the Manager (as a
    result of an employee share scheme managed by the Trustee for the benefit of
    some of the Manager's employees) are precluded from increasing their holdings
    in PCT's shares by the Takeovers Code or by the exemptions from the Takeovers
    Code set out in the Takeovers Code (AMP NZ Office Limited) Exemption Notice
    2010 (together, the "Takeovers Regulations"). The Takeover Shareholders are
    eligible to participate in the Institutional Entitlement Offer but not the
    Retail Entitlement Offer.
    16. The Institutional Entitlement Offer's short timeframe may cause any of
    the Takeover Shareholders to exceed their permitted shareholding, should they
    accept their full entitlement of New Shares under the Institutional
    Entitlement Offer. To ensure that the Takeover Shareholders are able to
    comply with the Takeovers Regulations, the Takeover Shareholders will be
    permitted to settle their subscriptions on either the settlement date for the
    Institutional Entitlement Offer or the settlement date for the Retail
    Entitlement Offer, in such a manner that their proportionate shareholdings
    are maintained (but not exceeded) throughout the two stages of the Offer.
    Waiver from Rule 9.2.1 - Further Background
    17. The Offer and the Underwriting Agreement may constitute a Material
    Transaction within the meaning of Rule 9.2.2(b) because as a related series
    of transactions, the Offer, the Underwriting Agreement and any
    sub-underwriting arrangements will have a market value in excess of 10% of
    PCT's Average Market Capitalisation ("AMC").
    18. The parties which are considered to be Related Parties of PCT with
    respect to the Offer and the Underwriting Agreement are set out below:
    AMP entities and funds
    Entities in the AMP Limited group and funds and entities managed by that
    group (together, "AMP Entities and Funds") may be considered to be Related
    Parties of PCT for various reasons including:
    a. Chris Judd (a director of PCT) is the Head of Property Funds Management
    for AMP Capital Investors Australia, and the nominee of AMP Shareholder; and
    b. AMP Capital Investors International Holdings Limited is in a joint venture
    with a related entity of Haumi and has a relevant interest in 18.8% of the
    shares in PCT as a consequence of holding pre-emptive rights over Haumi's
    shareholding in PCT.
    Haumi is a Related Party of PCT as, amongst other things, it holds 18.8% of
    PCT's shares, and Mohamed Al Nuaimi and Robert Campbell, being directors of
    PCT, are nominees of a related entity of Haumi (as is Anthony Bertoldi, as an
    alternate director of PCT).
    Employee share scheme
    AMP Haumi LTI Trustee Limited ("Trustee") (a subsidiary of the Manager)
    administers an employee share scheme for the Manager concerning shares in
    PCT, in which executive officers of PCT participate.  It is a Related Party
    of PCT as Chris Judd (a director of PCT) is its sole director, and given its
    relationship with Manager and the executive officers of PCT.
    Directors and executive officers
    Directors and executive officers of PCT may hold shares in PCT and may also
    have Associated Persons (such as family trusts etc) that hold shares in PCT.
    First NZ Capital Securities Limited
    First NZ Capital Securities Limited ("FNZ"), one of the Underwriters, owns
    approximately 80% of the shares in Harbour Asset Management Limited
    ("Harbour").  As Graeme Wong is a director of both PCT and Harbour, First NZ
    Capital Securities Limited is a "Related Party" of PCT, as an "Associated
    Person" of a director of PCT in terms of the definition in Rule
    1.8.3(a)(iii). The fees payable under the Underwriting Agreement will not
    exceed 1% of PCT's Average Market Capitalisation.
    Harbour itself is not a Related Party of PCT as PCT has confirmed that:
    a. The only reason why Harbour would otherwise be a Related Party of PCT is
    that Mr Wong is a director of both PCT and Harbour;
    b. Not more than one third of the directors of PCT are also directors of
    Harbour; and
    c. No director or executive officer of PCT has a material direct or indirect
    economic interest in Harbour, other than by reason of receipt of reasonable
    directors' fees by Mr Wong,
    and accordingly the exception in Rule 9.2.3(e) applies.
    19. A summary of the potential participation of these Related Parties of PCT
    in the Offer (or in certain of its components) is set out in the table below:
    Related Party Potential Participation
    AMP Entities and Funds May participate in the Offer through taking up an
    entitlement, through the Institutional Bookbuild and/or the Retail Bookbuild,
    and as potential sub-underwriters
    Haumi Haumi will maintain its shareholding percentage under the Offer through
    the take-up of entitlements. Haumi will not participate in the Institutional
    or Retail Bookbuild or act as a sub-underwriter.
    Trustee Trustee will not participate in the Offer (but may receive a share of
    any "premium" under the Institutional Bookbuild).
    Directors, executive officers and Associated Persons (other than FNZ)  Such
    persons may participate in the Offer by taking up entitlements, but will not
    participate in the Institutional Bookbuild or the Retail Bookbuild, or act as
    a sub-underwriter
    FNZ One of the Underwriters of the Offer
    Appendix Two
    Rule 7.3 Issue of New Equity Securities
    7.3.1 No Issuer issue any Equity Securities (including issue on Conversion of
    any other Security) unless:
    (a) the precise terms and conditions of the specific proposal to issue those
    Equity Securities have been approved (subject to Rule 7.3.3) by separate
    resolutions (passed by a simple majority of Votes) of holders of each Class
    of Quoted Equity Securities of the Issuer whose rights or entitlements could
    be affected by that issue, and that issue is completed within the time
    specified in Rule 7.3.2; or
    Rule 7.10 Rights Issues and Share Purchase Plans
    7.10.1 Letters of entitlement to Rights (whether or not Renounceable) are to
    be sent to holders of the Rights within five Business Days of the Record Date
    for the determination of the entitlement and by means that will give the
    holders reasonable time to deal with their Rights, whether the holders'
    addresses are in New Zealand or elsewhere.
    7.10.2 Without limiting Rule 7.10.1, the closing date and time for
    applications under Rights issues (whether or not renounceable) shall not be
    earlier than the 12th Business Day after the day of mailing of the last of
    the letters of entitlement.
    7.10.8 Where a Rights issue is to be made but Quotation is not sought the
    Issuer shall give to NZX forthwith after the decision has been made and at
    least 5 Business Days before the Ex Date to determine entitlements, on the
    form in Appendix 7, full details of the issue, including the nature,
    entitlement and timing of the issue of Rights and conversion, pricing,
    amounts payable and ranking of Securities for future benefits.
    Rule 7.11 Allotment
    7.11.1 An Issuer making an issue of Securities Quoted or to be Quoted (other
    than Equity Securities issued under Rule 7.3.10) shall proceed to allotment
    within five Business Days after the latest date on which applications for
    Securities close.
    Rule 9.2 Transactions with Related Parties
    9.2.1 An Issuer shall not enter into a Material Transaction if a Related
    Party is, or is likely to become:
    (a) a direct or indirect party to the Material Transaction, or to at least
    one of a related series of transactions of which the Material Transaction
    forms part; or
    (b) in the case of a guarantee or other transaction of the nature referred to
    in paragraph (d) of the definition of Material Transaction, a direct or
    indirect beneficiary of such guarantee or other transaction,
    unless that Material Transaction is approved by an Ordinary Resolution of the
    9.2.2  For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Material Transaction" means a
    transaction or a related series of transactions whereby an Issuer:
    (a) purchases or otherwise acquires, gains, leases (as lessor or lessee) or
    sells or otherwise disposes of, assets having an Aggregate Net Value in
    excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of the Issuer; or
    (b) issues its own Securities or acquires its own Equity Securities having a
    market value in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation of that
    Issuer, save in the case of an issue pursuant to Rule 7.3.5 where only the
    market value of those Securities being issued to the Related Party or to any
    Employees of the Issuer are to be taken into account; or
    (d) enters into any guarantee, indemnity, underwriting, or similar
    obligation, or gives any security, for or of obligations which could expose
    the Issuer to liability in excess of 10% of the Average Market Capitalisation
    of the Issuer; or
    (g) For the purposes of Rule 9.2.2(a), "Aggregate Net Value" means the net
    value of those assets calculated as the greater of the net tangible asset
    backing value (from the most recently published financial statements) or
    market value.
    9.2.3 For the purposes of Rule 9.2.1, "Related Party" means a person who is
    at the time of a Material Transaction, or was at any time within six months
    before a Material Transaction:
     (a) a Director or executive officer of the Issuer or any of its
    Subsidiaries; or
    (c) an Associated Person of the Issuer or any of the persons referred to in
    (a) or (b), other than a person who becomes an Associated Person as a
    consequence of the Material Transaction itself (or an intention or proposal
    to enter into the Material Transaction itself); or
    (d) a person in respect of whom there are arrangements other than the
    Material Transaction itself, intended to result in that person becoming a
    person described in (a), (b), or (c), or of whom the attainment of such a
    status may reasonably be expected, other than as a consequence of the
    Material Transaction itself;
    End CA:00261112 For:PCT    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2015-02-25 09:14:23
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