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Ann: FLLYR: RBD: Restaurant Brands Full Year Results Announcement

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    • Summary: FLLYR: RBD: Restaurant Brands Full Year Results Announcement
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    16/04/2015 08:39
    REL: 0839 HRS Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited
    FLLYR: RBD: Restaurant Brands Full Year Results Announcement
    16 April 2015
    $m 2014
    $m Change
    Total Group Store Sales 359.5 329.3 +9.2%
    Group Net Profit after Tax 23.8 20.0 +19.4%
    Dividend (cps) 19.0 16.5 +15.2%
    Key points
    - Group Net Profit after Tax was $23.8 million (24.3 cents per share), up
    $3.9 million (+19.4%) on prior year. Net Profit after Tax (excluding
    non-trading items) was $22.5 million (23.0 cents per share), also up 19.4% on
    prior year.
    - Total Group Store Sales were $359.5 million, up $30.3 million (+9.2%) on
    prior year with continued strong growth from KFC and store builds and
    acquisitions in the Carl's Jr. brand.
    - KFC sales continued to grow to a new high of $265 million despite
    competitive market conditions.
    - Pizza Hut and Starbucks Coffee delivered solid same store sales growth, up
    6.3% and 5.1% respectively.
    - The roll out of the new Carl's Jr. brand continued with the construction of
    three new stores and the acquisition in December 2014 of seven Carl's Jr.
    stores owned by Forsgren NZ Limited, bringing total store numbers to 18.
    - Total store EBITDA of $61.5 million was up $8.0 million (+15.0%) on the
    prior year mainly driven by the strong performance by KFC.
    - Operating cash flows were $36.6 million, up $4.4 million on prior year,
    driven by higher earnings. Investing cash flows were also substantially up on
    prior year, reflecting strong levels of store reinvestment and the
    acquisition of seven Carl's Jr. stores.
    - A final fully imputed dividend of 11.5 cents per share will be paid on 26
    June, making a full year dividend of 19.0 cents (up 15.2% on the previous
    Note: Results for the 2014/15 financial year are on a 53 week basis vs 52
    weeks for the previous year. Because the company normally uses a 52 week (364
    day) year, a "leap" year is occasionally required; hence an extra week. All
    comparative data (with the exception of same store sales) is stated on the
    basis of a 53 week to 52 week comparison.
    Group Operating Results
    Restaurant Brands Net Profit after Tax for the 53 weeks to 2 March 2015
    (FY15) was $23.8 million (24.3 cents per share), up 19.4% on last year's
    profit of $20.0 million (20.4 cents per share).
    Net Profit after Tax (excluding non-trading items) was $22.5 million (23.0
    cps) also up 19.4% on the $18.9 million (19.3 cps) result in FY14.
    Non-trading items primarily comprised gains on Pizza Hut store sales and the
    sale and leaseback of a KFC store. In total non-trading items contributed
    $1.3 million (pre-tax) compared with $1.5 million in the prior year.
    Total store sales of $359.5 million were up $30.3 million (+9.2%) on the
    previous year's sales. The extra trading week accounted for $6.9 million of
    the increase with the majority of the balance coming from KFC and Carl's Jr.
    Same store sales for the group were up 5.7% (up 2.4% in FY14).
    Group revenues for the year were $372.6 million with the inclusion of sales
    of ingredients and packaging materials. This produced an increase in other
    revenues of $11.9 million on prior year.
    Store EBITDA (before G&A costs) was up by $8.0 million (+15.0%) to $61.5
    million, with KFC contributing $6.3 million of the improved earnings. All
    four brands delivered improved results on last year.
    Year end store numbers at 181 were five up on February 2014 with continuing
    sales of regional Pizza Hut stores to independent franchisees, offset by the
    Forsgren acquisition and new builds for Carl's Jr.
    $m 2014
    $m Change
    $m Change
    Sales 265.0 241.5 +23.5 +9.7%
    EBITDA 50.8 44.5 +6.3 +14.0%
    EBITDA as % of Sales 19.2% 18.4% - +0.8%
    KFC, the company's biggest brand, continued its strong run, producing record
    annual sales of $265.0 million, an increase of $23.5 million or 9.7% on the
    prior year (noting that $5 million of this was derived from the extra week's
    trading). Same store sales were strong throughout the year with the first
    half delivering same store sales growth of +6.4% and finishing the full year
    at +7.7% (compared with +0.2% last year).
    KFC continued to roll out a range of new products throughout the year. These
    included a new burger range -the Colonel's Stack burger, the Kiwi Onion Dip
    burger and the Moroccan burger.  Other successful KFC promotional activity
    included the release of new Double Down variants and a re-launch of the
    popular Hot 'n Spicy range. Continued store transformation investment,
    in-store operational enhancements (including extended opening hours) and an
    increase in marketing and promotional spend also reinforced the strong same
    store sales momentum.
    Margins were up on prior year with the brand producing an EBITDA of $50.8
    million, +14.0% ($6.3 million) up on prior year. As a % of sales, brand
    EBITDA improved from 18.4% in FY14 to 19.2% this year.
    Store transformations picked up momentum in FY15 with ten major
    transformations undertaken and twelve minor upgrades. The major
    transformation process is now nearly complete with 82 out of the company's 91
    stores now either new or fully transformed.
    Store numbers increased to 91 with the acquisition of two stores from
    independent franchisees in Mt Maunganui and Oamaru and the closure of the
    Taihape store at end of lease.
    Pizza Hut
    $m 2014
    $m Change
    $m Change
    Sales 48.4 48.4 - -0.1%
    EBITDA 6.4 5.5 +0.9 +15.8%
    EBITDA as % of Sales 13.2% 11.4% - +1.8%
    Pizza Hut continued to enhance both sales and profit despite continuing
    strong competition. Total sales were held flat to prior year at $48.4
    million, with five fewer stores operating as a result of continued sell downs
    to independent franchisees. Same store sales continued to perform strongly at
    +6.3% (+15.3% in FY14). The brand undertook a number of promotions such as
    the Mexican range and innovative Stuffed Crust variants that were also
    particularly well received by customers.
    Despite the lower store numbers Pizza Hut improved total earnings on prior
    year, with all stores operating profitably. The continued improvements in
    sales volumes, cost-effective menu changes and limited ingredient cost
    pressures, increased earnings by $0.9 million (+15.8%) on prior year.
    Resulting EBITDA was $6.4 million or 13.2% of sales (11.4% in FY14).
    The sale of stores to independent franchisees continued, with five sold over
    the year, leaving Restaurant Brands with a total of 46 stores out of a total
    of 88 in the market. Favourable trading conditions have underpinned the
    strong demand from potential purchasers of the company's Pizza Hut stores.
    Starbucks Coffee
    $m 2014
    $m Change
    $m Change
    Sales 26.1 25.0 +1.0 +4.1%
    EBITDA 4.3 3.5 +0.8 +21.6%
    EBITDA as % of Sales 16.3% 14.0% - 2.3%
    The Starbucks Coffee brand continued with consistent improvements in its
    business performance to where this year's earnings were at an all-time high.
    Improved operational standards in conjunction with a rationalised network of
    stores assisted the brand in delivering total sales of $26.1 million, a
    growth rate of +4.1% and same store growth of +5.1% for the year (+5.7% for
    Improved sales and continuing operating efficiencies (with some assistance
    from a stronger exchange rate) saw Starbucks Coffee EBITDA climb to a new
    high of $4.3 million (or 16.3% of sales), an increase of 21.6% on the prior
    year result.
    Carl's Jr.
    $m 2014
    $m Change
    $m Change
    Sales 20.1 14.3 +5.7 +40.1%
    EBITDA 0.2 0.0 +0.2 +3,725%
    EBITDA as % of Sales 0.8% - - +0.8%
    Our commitment to the development of the Carl's Jr. brand was reinforced by
    the acquisition of the seven stores operated by Forsgren NZ Limited, and the
    opening of three new stores in Gisborne, Albany and Manukau, increasing the
    number of stores to 18. Total sales were up by over 40% to $20.1 million,
    while same store sales remained negative as the brand rolled over the
    excessive volumes experienced in comparative prior year periods.
    The Carl's Jr. brand experienced margin pressures from a variety of sources
    over the year. New store openings continued to incur training and set up
    expenditure and there were a number of incremental costs incurred in
    integrating the Forsgren stores into the Restaurant Brands' network. Food
    costs were adversely impacted by major industrial action at the West Coast US
    ports, necessitating an urgent search for alternative sources of supply at
    often significant cost premiums. The industrial action has now been settled
    and normal shipments will be under way again by the middle of the current
    year. The company is prioritising local sourcing where possible. Heavy
    competitive discounting also meant that the brand was limited in its ability
    to recover cost increases, further impacting margins.
    Despite this the brand managed to deliver a small improvement in EBITDA from
    break-even to $0.2 million for the year. The company is focused on developing
    the brand and improving the profitability of the business in the coming year
    now that Carl's Jr. has sufficient scale and presence in the market.
    Corporate and Other Costs
    G&A (above store overheads) at $15.1 million were $2.0 million up on prior
    year. Most of this increase arose from variable remuneration costs
    (self-funding) that were incurred as the business improved profitability. As
    a result G&A costs were slightly above the targeted 4.0% of operating revenue
    at 4.1% (4.0% in FY14).
    A $0.3 million pre-tax charge was taken up to G&A costs in the year to
    recognise the fair value of the liability that directors believe will arise
    as a result of eligibility conditions being met under the Chief Executive's
    Long Term Incentive Scheme.
    Group non-trading gains of $1.3 million arose primarily from gains on sale
    following the successful sale and leaseback of a KFC store ($0.9 million) and
    Pizza Hut store disposals ($0.8 million). This compares with a $1.5 million
    non-trading profit in FY14.
    Depreciation charges of $15.0 million were up $0.9 million on the prior year
    largely as a result of the Carl's Jr. new store roll out and Forsgren
    purchase (an additional $1.0 million). Reduced depreciation charges in Pizza
    Hut with store disposals amounted to $0.3 million and the KFC depreciation
    charge at $10.5 million was flat to prior year.
    Interest and funding costs at $1.0 million were up slightly on prior year
    with a small increase in borrowings to fund the Forsgren acquisition. Bank
    interest rates (inclusive of margins) for the year averaged 5.1% compared
    with 4.9% in FY14.
    Cash Flow and Balance Sheet
    Operating cash flows increased to $36.6 million, $4.4 million up on the prior
    year, reflecting improved sales and profitability. Bringing inventory
    ownership in-house had an effect on working capital movements, although the
    increase in inventories of $7.9 million was partly offset by a corresponding
    increase in creditors.
    Net investing cash outflows were significantly up on prior year to $33.0
    million from $10.1 million in FY14. Expenditure on plant and equipment and
    intangibles increased from $22.5 million to $31.0 million, largely from KFC
    transformation and the purchase of two independent KFC franchisees. A
    significant additional investment in the current year was from the
    acquisition of the Carl's Jr. business from Forsgren NZ Limited for $10.3
    million.  FY15 also saw a reduction in investing cash inflows from $12.4
    million to $8.4 million as there was only one sale and leaseback of a KFC
    store (versus two in the prior year).
    The high level of investing cash flows saw resultant free cash flows down to
    $3.6 million for the year. With dividend payments taking $17.1 million,
    borrowings increased by $14.5 million. Resulting bank debt was up to $22.6
    million at year end, well within the company's $35 million facility limit.
    Total assets at year end were $144.6 million, up $36.3 million. Non-current
    assets made up $24.4 million of the increase with $10.4 million attributable
    to KFC store transformations and $4.9 million arising from the Carl's Jr.
    store roll out, together with $10.3 million from the acquisition of the seven
    stores from Forsgren NZ Limited.  The bulk of the additional $11.9 million
    increase in current assets was in inventories (with the transfer of inventory
    ownership in-house) and debtors with the company now charging independent
    franchisees directly for raw material and ingredient supplies.
    Total liabilities were up by $29.7 million, with $13.0 million attributable
    to creditors (again largely as a result of increased levels of bulk stock
    ownership) and $14.5 million in increased borrowings.
    Year end shareholders' funds of $71.2 million were $6.6 million up on prior
    year because of increases in retained earnings.
    The balance sheet remains conservative with a gearing ratio of 23% (FY14:
    Directors have declared a final fully imputed dividend of 11.5 cents per
    share. This, together with the interim dividend of 7.5 cents per share,
    makes a full year dividend of 19.0 cents per share (16.5 cents for FY14).
    Restaurant Brands continues to enjoy strong cash flows and dividend levels
    will continue to increase as the company continues to enhance its profit
    The 11.5 cents final dividend will be paid on 26 June 2015 to all
    shareholders on the register as at 12 June 2015.  A supplementary dividend of
    2.0294 cents per share will also be paid to overseas shareholders on that
    The dividend re-investment plan remains suspended for this dividend.
    Directors are pleased with the trading results for the FY15 year. The $22.5
    million NPAT (excluding non-trading items) is the second best result in the
    company's history. However despite the benign retail environment, continued
    competitive pressures mean that the margin improvements achieved across all
    our brands have been hard-won.
    The new financial year has started well with continuing strong sales across
    all four brands and the company is very focused on maintaining this momentum.
    Ingredient input prices are expected to remain stable; however there is an
    expectation of higher levels of labour cost.
    KFC will see continued high levels of investment in store transformation as
    the brand comes closer to its target of having all 91 stores at the new high
    standard. This, together with a strong promotional calendar will see
    continued same store sales growth for the coming year (albeit at lower levels
    than the FY15 year), with margins at similar levels.
    Pizza Hut will also see same store sales growth in its company stores. The
    store sell down programme will see company stores at less than 50% of the
    network by year end, but the residual stores will remain profitable and the
    brand continues to thrive.
    Starbucks Coffee will again see similar levels of same store sales growth.
    Margins will remain strong, but there will be some pressure from exchange
    rate movements.
    Building momentum and profitability in the Carl's Jr operations will be a
    major focus for the company over the next 12 months. Expanding the brand
    footprint will continue with the intention of reaching into previously
    unpenetrated markets. Addressing the current supply chain issues, the
    continued move to local sourcing, more efficiency in new store openings and
    leverage from sales growth will all help to significantly improve margins in
    the FY16 year.
    Subject to any significant changes in the economic and competitive
    environment or unusual costs, with increased contributions from both KFC and
    Carl's Jr, directors expect that the company will deliver an improved profit
    result in the new financial year. More details will be provided at the Annual
    Shareholders' Meeting.
    Annual Shareholders' Meeting
    The Annual Shareholders' Meeting for the company will be held in Christchurch
    on 2 July 2015.
    For further information please contact:
    Russel Creedy  Grant Ellis
    CEO  CFO/Company Secretary
    Phone: 525 8710  Phone: 525 8710
    About Restaurant Brands:
    Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited operates the New Zealand outlets of
    KFC, Pizza Hut, Carl's Jr. and Starbucks Coffee.  These brands - four of the
    world's most famous - are distinguished for their product, look, style and
    ambience, service and for the total experience they deliver to their
    customers in New Zealand and around the world.
    Consolidated Income Statement
    For the 53 week period ended 2 March 2015
     2 March 2015  vs Prior  24 February 2014
     53 weeks  %  52 weeks
    KFC 265,038  9.7  241,521
    Pizza Hut 48,364  (0.1)  48,393
    Starbucks Coffee 26,067  4.1  25,041
    Carl's Jr. 20,059  40.1  14,314
    Total sales 359,528  9.2  329,269
    Other revenue 13,075  1,057.1  1,130
    Total operating revenue 372,603  12.8  330,399
    Cost of goods sold (304,190)  (11.2)  (273,493)
    Gross margin 68,413  20.2  56,906
    Distribution expenses  (2,321) 5.8  (2,464)
    Marketing expenses (18,892)  (28.9)  (14,656)
    General and administration expenses* (15,105)  (15.4)  (13,088)
    EBIT before non-trading 32,095 20.2  26,698
    Non-trading 1,328  (9.8)  1,472
    EBIT 33,423  18.6  28,170
    Interest income 2  (89.5)  19
    Interest expense (963) (24.4) (774)
    Net profit before taxation 32,462  18.4  27,415
    Taxation expense  (8,632)  (15.7)  (7,462)
    Total profit after taxation (NPAT) 23,830  19.4  19,953
    Total NPAT excluding non-trading 22,523  19.4  18,863
      % sales    % sales
    EBITDA before G&A
    KFC 50,777 19.2 14.0  44,529 18.4
    Pizza Hut 6,365 13.2 15.8  5,496 11.4
    Starbucks Coffee 4,253 16.3 21.6  3,498 14.0
    Carl's Jr. 153 0.8 3,725.0  4 -
    Total  61,548 17.1 15.0  53,527 16.3
    Net tangible assets per security (net tangible assets divided by number of
    shares) in cents 51.2c   47.2c
    Cost of goods sold are direct costs of operating stores: food, paper,
    freight, labour and store overheads.
    Distribution expenses are costs of distributing product from store.
    Marketing expenses are call centre, advertising and local store marketing
    General and administration expenses (G&A) are non-store related overheads.
    *Included in general and administration expenses is a $0.3 million charge
    (2014: nil) relating to the long term incentive scheme ("LTI Scheme") the
    Group entered into
     with the Chief Executive Officer.  Refer to Note 27(d) of the financial
    statements for further details.
    Restaurant Brands Group
    Non-GAAP Financial Measures
    For the 53 week period ended 2 March 2015
    The Group results are prepared in accordance with New Zealand Generally
    Accepted Accounting Practice ("GAAP") and comply with International Financial
    Reporting Standards ("IFRS").  These financial statements include non-GAAP
    financial measures that are not prepared in accordance with IFRS.  The
    non-GAAP financial measures used in this presentation are as follows:
    1. EBITDA before G&A.  The Group calculates Earnings Before Interest, Tax,
    Depreciation and Amortisation ("EBITDA") before G&A (general and
    administration expenses) by taking net profit before taxation and adding back
    (or deducting) net financing expenses, non-trading items, depreciation,
    amortisation and G&A.  The Group also refers to this measure as Concept
    EBITDA before G&A.
    The term Concept refers to the Group's four operating segments comprising
    KFC, Pizza Hut, Starbucks Coffee and Carl's Jr.  The term G&A represents
    non-store related overheads.
    2. EBIT before non-trading.  Earnings before interest and taxation ("EBIT")
    before non-trading is calculated by taking net profit before taxation and
    adding back (or deducting) net financing expenses and non-trading items.
    3. Non-trading items.  Non-trading items represent amounts the Group
    considers unrelated to the day to day operational performance of the Group.
    Excluding non-trading items enables the Group to measure underlying trends of
    the business and monitor performance on a consistent basis.
    4. EBIT after non-trading items.  The Group calculates EBIT after non-trading
    items by taking net profit before taxation and adding back net financing
    5. Total NPAT excluding non-trading.  Total Net Profit After Taxation
    ("NPAT") excluding non-trading items is calculated by taking profit after
    taxation attributable to shareholders and adding back (or deducting)
    non-trading items whilst also allowing for any tax impact of those items.
    6. Capital expenditure including intangibles.  Capital expenditure including
    intangibles represents additions to property, plant and equipment and
    intangible assets.
    The Group believes that these non-GAAP measures provide useful information to
    readers to assist in the understanding of the financial performance and
    position of the Group but that they should not be viewed in isolation, nor
    considered as a substitute for measures reported in accordance with IFRS.
    Non-GAAP measures as reported by the Group may not be comparable to similarly
    titled amounts reported by other companies.
    The following is a reconciliation between these non-GAAP measures and net
    profit after taxation:
         Note* 2 March 2015  24 February 2014
    EBITDA before G&A     1 61,548 53,527
    Depreciation   (15,008)  (14,114)
    Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment (included in depreciation)
    -  (51)
    Amortisation (included in cost of sales)      (1,628)  (1,432)
    General and administration - area managers, general managers and support
    centre     (12,817)  (11,232)
    EBIT before non-trading     2 32,095  26,698
    Non-trading items **  3 1,328  1,472
    EBIT after non-trading items  4 33,423  28,170
    Net financing costs  (961) (755)
    Net profit before taxation  32,462  27,415
    Income tax expense (8,632)  (7,462)
    Net profit after taxation      23,830  19,953
    Deduct non-trading items      (1,328)  (1,472)
    Taxation expense on non-trading items    21  382
    Net profit after taxation excluding non-trading items   5 22,523  18,863
    * Refers to the list of non-GAAP measures as listed above.
    ** Refer to Note 5 of the financial statements for an analysis of
    non-trading items
    End CA:00263156 For:RBD    Type:FLLYR      Time:2015-04-16 08:39:49
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