25% young men 25-29 living with parents., page-23

  1. 7,590 Posts.
    Thanks Duicorp. But there are many Aussie battlers out there who have pushed themselves to the limit. Who have set goals, shot for the sky and young people who tested their boundaries.

    I know some blokes/gals in Queensland who grew up tough (without a quid) in the regions like Cecil Plains, Dalby, Oakey or in Western Victoria in places like Beaufort, Birchip, Edenhope etc...

    Who have gone on to become amazing groundbreaking Agricultural Scientists, Biologists, Educators, Civil Engineers, Computer Systems Mining Engineers etc...

    You would be surprised DuiCorp.

    I just find it amazing that we see news articles about young people doing it tough and staying at home.

    I studied with a bloke back in the late 90's, who has been working as a Barrister in Melbourne since 2001. In our Uni days in the late 90's, we used to drive around Brisbane in his rusted out XE Ford Falc station-wagon with all his possessions in the back. Hard Yakka when your textbooks cost $2.5K a semester.

    I'm still in my 30's.

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