250 billion debt how do we pay it back?, page-2

  1. 942 Posts.
    Hey Kaunas,

    I'm not sure of your numbers. My understanding is that current debt is around 150B, with the extra 100B being the estimate for if we leave Labor in for another term. Money supply does require some govt debt - I'm guessing at 50B

    Certainly Labor promise that after the next 3 years they won't have done anything about the debt - they just reckon they might actually start to have a little extra in the bank to START paying it back (in their estimates - 3B).

    So - after another 3 years of Labor, with debt estimated to be 200B, interest at around 5%, we can expect that Australia has to generate 10B in taxes just to pay the interest on outstanding debt.

    This is a dead weight I would like to see disappear.
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