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Ann: WAV/RULE: CNU: Chorus Limited (CNU) waiver from Rule 7.6.4(b)(iii)

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    • Release Date: 02/10/15 09:12
    • Summary: WAV/RULE: CNU: Chorus Limited (CNU) waiver from Rule 7.6.4(b)(iii)
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    02/10/2015 09:12
    REL: 0912 HRS Chorus Limited (NS)
    WAV/RULE: CNU: Chorus Limited (CNU) waiver from Rule 7.6.4(b)(iii)
    Chorus Limited (CNU)
    NZX Regulation Decision
    Chorus Limited (CNU)
    Application for waiver from NZX Main Board Listing Rule
    16 September 2015
    NZX REGULATION DECISION - 16 September 2015 2 of 6
    1. Subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 2 below, and on the basis
    that the information provided by CNU is complete and accurate in all material
    respects, NZX Regulation ("NZXR") grants CNU a waiver from Rule 7.6.4(b)(iii)
    to allow CNU to provide financial assistance to Mr Ratcliffe pursuant to the
    terms of the Plan.
    2. The waiver in paragraph 1 is granted on the conditions that:
    a. CNU's Chairman certify on behalf of CNU's board that:
    i. Mr Ratcliffe had no influence over the terms of the Plan and did not vote
    on any resolutions relating to the Plan;
    ii. Mr Ratcliffe will not participate in any CNU Board discussions regarding
    whether performance hurdles have been met, or whether Plan Shares should be
    awarded where the required performance hurdles have not been met; and
    iii. Mr Ratcliffe's participation and entitlements under the Plan are
    determined by the same criteria applying to all Participants; and
    b. Mr Ratcliffe will not be a member of CNU's Human Resources and
    Compensation Committee or vote on Board resolutions determining who will the
    employees to whom the offers will be made, and the quantum of the offers.
    3. The information on which this decision is based is set out in Appendix One
    to this decision. This waiver will not apply if that information is not or
    ceases to be full and accurate in all material respects.
    4. The Rules to which this decision relates are set out in Appendix Two to
    this decision.
    5. Capitalised terms that are not defined in this decision have the meanings
    given to them in the NZX Main Board Listing Rules.
    6. In coming to the decision to provide the waiver set out in paragraph 1
    above, NZXR has considered that:
    a. the policy objective of Rule 7.6.4(b)(iii) is to ensure Directors do not
    exercise their discretion or use their position to obtain financial
    assistance which unfairly advantages Directors to the detriment of
    shareholders, and/or is not consistent with the financial assistance given to
    other employees who are not Directors;
    b. CNU have submitted, and it is a condition to the waiver, that Mr Ratcliffe
    will participate in the Scheme on the same terms as the other Participants.
    Mr Ratcliffe's participation appears to be consistent with the assistance
    given to employees who are not Directors;
    c. the participation of Mr Ratcliffe in designing the scheme and determining
    eligibility is limited, so that he cannot use his position to obtain
    financial assistance which is unfairly advantageous. The certification
    provided by CNU's chairman gives NZXR comfort that Mr Ratcliffe has had no
    influence over the terms of the Plan, will not vote on any resolutions
    relating to the Scheme or participate in any board discussions in respect of
    the Plan in the manner set out in that certification;
    d. the situation falls within the circumstances stated in the footnote to
    Rule 7.6.4, which states that NZXR may waive the restriction on Directors and
    Associated Persons of Directors participating in financial assistance given
    to Employees in certain circumstances; and
    e. there is precedent for this waiver.
    7. CNU has requested that its application and any decision be kept
    confidential until either details of the Plan are released to the market or a
    Directors and Senior Managers Relevant Interest Notice in respect of the Plan
    are released to the market.
    8. In accordance with footnote 1 to Rule 1.11.2, NZXR grants CNU's request.
    Appendix One
    1. Chorus Limited ("CNU") is a Listed Issuer with ordinary shares quoted on
    the NZX Main
    2. CNU proposes to establish an executive long term incentive restricted
    share plan (the "Plan") for selected employees ("Participants"), under which
    Participants would be granted
    the right to receive a loan for the purpose of acquiring shares ("Plan
    Shares") in CNU.
    3. CNU wishes for its CEO, Mark Ratcliffe, who is also a Director of CNU, to
    have the right to participate in the Plan.
    4. The key terms of the Plan are as follows:
    a. CNUs' Human Resources and Compensation Committee and/or Board will
    determine the employees to whom offers will be made and the quantum of the
    b. CNUs' subsidiary, Chorus New Zealand Limited ("CNZL") will provide the
    loan to Participants for the purposes of acquiring Plan Shares;
    c. Plan Shares will be held by Chorus LTI Trustee Limited ("CLT"), a wholly
    owned subsidiary of CNU. CLT will hold Plan Shares for each Participant in
    d. Plan Shares will generally be acquired on-market and will be allocated to
    each employee at the average market price at which they are acquired;
    e. if a Participant continues to be an employee of CNZL or a related company
    before the expiry of the specified restricted period and certain performance
    hurdles are achieved, then CLT will transfer to that Participant legal title
    to the Participant's Plan Shares at the end of the restricted period;
    f. if a Participant ceases to be employed by CNZL or a related company before
    the expiry of the restricted period, then legal title will not be transferred
    to the Participant except in the limited circumstances allowed under the
    g. if a Participant continues to be employed by CNZL or a related company for
    the restricted period but the performance hurdles for a tranche of Plan
    Shares are not achieved, legal title will not be transferred to the
    Participant unless the Board in it sole discretion determines otherwise. If
    the performance hurdles are only partially achieved, legal title in a
    proportionate number of the Plan Shares will
    be transferred;
    h. the loan advanced by CNZL will be repayable on the date on which legal
    title to the
    Plan Shares is transferred. To the extent that legal title in Plan Shares is
    to be Transferred to a Participant, the Participant will be paid a bonus
    which, after tax (and subject to any applicable KiwiSaver obligations),
    equals the amount of the Participants loan balance in respect of the relevant
    Plan Shares. Participants authorise and direct CNZL to apply the bonus
    towards repayment of their outstanding loan balance; and
    i. to the extent that legal title in the Plan Shares is not transferred to a
    Participant, there are put and call options in respect of the Participant's
    beneficial interest in the relevant Plan Shares. The consideration payable by
    the Trustee on exercise of the call or put option will be an amount equal to
    the Participant's loan balance in respect of the relevant Plan Shares.
    Participants authorise and direct CNZL to apply the consideration towards
    repayment of their outstanding loan balance.
    5. The purpose of the Plan is to align the interests of employee participants
    with CNU's shareholders;
    6. Based on the closing price of CNU's Shares on 11 September 2015, the
    expected number of Plan Shares that will initially be issued under the Plan
    in 2015 represents approximately 0.1125% of CNU's Shares. The amount of the
    loan expected to be granted to Mr Ratcliffe will be for approximately 0.0350%
    of CNU's Shares in 2015 (based on the closing price of CNU's Shares on 11
    September 2015). Grants under the Plan are expected to be for lesser amounts
    in future years. In particular, based on the market capitalisation of CNU as
    at 11 September 2015, grants are expected to be of an amount which, in
    aggregate represents approximately 0.0641% of CNU's shares. The amount of the
    loan expected to be granted to Mr Ratcliffe will be for approximately 0.0175%
    of CNU's Shares. As such, the assistance will not disproportionately affect
    the current shareholders of CNU;
    7. While NZX Main Board Listing Rule ("Rule") 7.6.4(b) allows financial
    assistance to be given to Employees in certain circumstances, the financial
    assistance may not be given to a Director of the Issuer or an Associated
    Person of the Director without obtaining shareholder approval or a waiver
    from NZX Regulation ("NZXR"). To facilitate the provision of financial
    assistance to Mr Ratcliffe under the Scheme, CNU has sought a waiver from
    NZXR in respect of Rule 7.6.4(b)(iii).
    Appendix Two
    Rule 7.4.4(b)(iii) Buybacks of Equity Securities, Redemption of Equity
    Securities and Financial Assistance
    7.6.4 An Issuer may give financial assistance of the nature referred to in
    Rule 7.6.3 if:
    (b) the financial assistance is given to Employees (as defined in Rule 7.3.6)
    of the Issuer and:
    (i) the amount of the financial assistance, together with the amount of all
    other financial assistance given under this paragraph (b) by the Issuer
    during the shorter of the period of 12 months preceding the date of giving of
    the financial assistance and the period from the date on which the Issuer was
    Listed to the date of giving of the financial assistance, does not exceed 5%
    of the Average Market Capitalisation
    of the Issuer; and
    (ii) the amount of the financial assistance, together with the amount of all
    financial assistance given under Rule 7.6.4(b)(i) during the shorter of the
    period of five years preceding the date of the giving of financial assistance
    and the period from the date on which the Issuer was Listed to the date of
    the giving of the financial assistance, does not exceed 10% of the Average
    Market Capitalisation of
    the Issuer; and
    (iii) the financial assistance is not given to any Director of the Issuer or
    Person of a Director; or
    The footnote to Rule 7.6.4 provides:
    NZX may waive the restriction in Rule 7.6.4(b)(iii) on Directors and
    Associated Persons
    participating in financial assistance given to Employees:
    (a) so far as it affects assistance given to bona fide full time employees
    who are Directors, or Associated Persons of Directors, where NZX is satisfied
    that the amounts and terms of the assistance will be determined according to
    criteria applying generally to all employees eligible to receive the
    assistance, and would not, if all relevant factors were publicly disclosed,
    be reasonably seen as being materially influenced by the
    relationship; and/or
    (b) where NZX is satisfied that the assistance is not likely
    disproportionately to benefit the persons controlling the Issuer and those
    associated with them.
    End CA:00271196 For:CNU    Type:WAV/RULE   Time:2015-10-02 09:12:21
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