According to some experts, such as Carl Calleman, the Mayan...

  1. s8
    7,757 Posts.
    According to some experts, such as Carl Calleman, the Mayan Calendar ends on Friday (28-10-11) not 21-12-12.

    End of calendar - Solar Flares and Earth Changes

    What we are witnessing is thus not another recession, but the end of the world capitalist system and the protests in the US against “Wall Street” may be an indication as good as any of this. One however gets the impression that as long as the old system survives there is no real opening to create a new world to replace it. To do so would be too much in conflict with the legality of the current dualist power structure and only after some kind of full collapse has occurred would people in general be compelled and inspired to create a new way of living and relating in the realms of politics and economics. To prevent such a new world from being born we can also be certain that when the collapse comes this will be presented by the powers that be as nothing but a temporary downturn. Such an illusion may then come to dominate many who lack the perspective of the Mayan calendar of an evolution towards unity consciousness and this also highlights the risk of believing those that say the calendar ends on December 21, 2012, which is something that will play right into the hands of those that want to resurrect the old system.

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