ESS 0.00% 50.0¢ essential metals limited

2cent range soon?, page-13

  1. 1,529 Posts.
    the poster that started this thread has a very obvious motive of causing disruption to normal conversation about a business..not allowed to say troll according to the mods but that is exactly what the person is.. unfortunately there are those that like to rock the boat they see enthusiasm for a business ...they then like to jump in and spin absolute BS they seem to find it it amusing..whether it is through boredom or just because they want to be mischievous who knows ?..seems to give them a thrill..

    MOST if not all know the potential PIO has ..
    and i bet the one that started this topic '2c range soon' (idiot-ism)
    knows the excellent potential PIO has too. ..geez how many times have we heard that BS ...2c ..and how many times hasn't it happened..and PIO just keeps rising..sure this brexit thing might cause a short disruption ..who knows ? ignore the idiots ..DYOR look at TNR geo results for Mavis Lake..look at Acra Gold..surmise for yourself s..this is going to be big..they know it..i know it..and the smart ones know it..ignore the ignoramus ones they are only here peck at you as vultures do..most likely trying to push the price down to buy in..enjoy the journey do your research ignore those that post with no links but just dribble on nonsense from the voices in their heads....can be a rocky road at the start of /green as most penny stocks do well actually as most stocks do.. ...end result is what matters..and it looks very good...enjoy the journey.
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