Well the poster has no idea, PIO have cash (2.2m) and 400k in receivables, but like he said they need a few more mill to drill up the projects, hence the CR they've conducted. Blair Dome actually has a proven JORC resource so that's incorrect (admittedly they need to expand it a bit more). ACRA well the grades seem fairly good and it's shallow, not sure how far it goes down in depth but the strike length would certainly make it feasible.
Funny thing is most of the other pure lithium plays have MC's greater than half of PIO's, if you actually break up PIO into each project (Mavis, Pioneer Dome, ACRA, Dingo Dam, Blair Dome, Fairwater) or
6 projects isn't 40-50m isn't that big. I agree every project needs to be proved up but the majority of the projects have shown some promise (Gold, Lithium, Nickel, Silver, Copper and Zinc).
Dingo Dam for example (hardly one of our major projects)
Gold & Copper
While mapping, rock chips were taken from an outcropping quartz vein. Three samples with visible gold were not submitted, however of 9 others, 5 returned gold values between 3.06g/t and 711g/t.
- JDRC003 1m at 2.33% Cu and 41g/t Ag (0.3g/t Au, 1004ppm Pb and 1884ppm Zn)
- JDRC009 2m at 1.02% Cu and 0.88g/t Au
- JDRC019 - 3m at 1.70g/t Au
Lead & Zinc
- JDAC001 13m at 1475ppm Zn and up to 1475ppm Pb (Au up to 169ppb, Ag up to 6.7g/t)
- JDAC002 8 m at 1499ppm Zn and up to 978ppm Pb (Au up to 160ppb, Cd up to 8.7ppm)
- JDAC009 11 m at 1356ppm Zn and up to 3233ppm Pb (Au up to 500ppb, Ag up to 5.8g/t)
- JDRC002, 4m at 1748ppm Pb (and up to 1394ppm Zn (Ag up to 5.7g/t, Cd up to 14.8ppm).
I'm not down ramping the companies, below they have promising projects.
MC 21m, (Mount Ridley Project)
( 1 Project)
MC 19m (Seymour Lake, Root Lake, a Canadian graphite project, and a tin project in Indonesia)
(4 Projects)
MC of 30m (Lynas Find, 30% share in a gold project, Orbost Gold and Copper Project and a lithium project in Portugal.
(4/5 Projects)
By Xmas if Mavis, Fairwater or ACRA and one of the other projects are proved up are of a decent size we'd be at 20c not 2c.