2gb confirms, gillard is under investigation, page-10

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    post on the 18/11/12 titled “Ian Cambridge returns serve against Kangaroo Court of Australia attack and drops the boot into Julia Gillard” where I accused Cambridge of being corrupt and taking a bribe in his appointment to the NSW Industrial Relations Commission to shut his mouth about the corruption at the AWU in the 1990's.

    The next day on the 19/12/12 Michael Smith wrote this on his site:

    Commissioner Ian Walter Cambridge

    I would like to set the record straight about Ian Cambridge and also to set out a few ground-rules for this little piece of the internet.

    No human I know of could have done more to bring The AWU Scandal to the attention of the proper authorities than Ian Cambridge did.

    Commissioner Cambridge’s call for a Royal Commission into his union was unprecedented and it remains a unique call to root out union corruption.

    Ian Cambridge and his family, small children, suffered greatly as a direct result of his honesty and his action. In that regard he has something in common with Bob Kernohan and latterly Kathy Jackson.

    While it must have been a relief to move on to a job at the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission, you’d be hard-pressed to describe it as a bribe. The published salary package for an IRC commissioner in NSW at the time was considerably less than the package for the National Secretary of the AWU.

    You know I don’t impose censorship – but I won’t cop untrue and unfair defamation of a good man’s character. And Ian Cambridge is a good man. (Click here to read)

    As per usual Michael Smith did not mention my site but it was a clear response to my post. Anyone who has researched the AWU fraud scandal knows Cambridge was up to his neck in the cover-up as much as anyone and I outline plenty of questions that Cambridge needs to answer in the post. While above might be considered by some as only a difference of opinion between myself and Smith it is worth noting for his lies and how he does not respond directly to me and name my site or myself.

    Michael Smiths said “While it must have been a relief to move on to a job at the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission, you’d be hard-pressed to describe it as a bribe”

    Well a bribe does not have to be financial, it could be a job with better conditions and job security which Mr Smith himself points out. Let’s have a look at what Michael Smith said on the 18/10/12

    “Ian Cambridge did accept a position offered to him by the Carr Labor Government as a Commissioner of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. Who would have knocked it back? A judicial appointment, independent of the requirement to toe any party line, independent of government and protected from improper influence by the doctrine of our separation of powers.” (Click here to read)

    That is clear admission by Smith that Cambridge did take a bribe, not a financial one but a job with better conditions like ”A judicial appointment” which guarantees your job until retirement. It was a bribe of a job with better conditions as Smith points out. It is just that Michael Smith is too stupid to realise that he is saying that Cambridge took a bribe.

    Why is Smith supporting Ian Cambridge? Well to me it is obvious that Smith is talking up Cambridge’s credibility because he wants to use his evidence against Julia Gillard. In Mr Smith’s complaint to the Victorian Police against Julia Gillard Mr Smith makes reference to Ian Cambridge and says “His Honour Commissioner Ian Cambridge of the NSW Industrial Relations Commission swore an affidavit in proceedings in the Australian Industrial Relations Court in September, 1996 in which he described and produced copies of the cheques that were drawn on the AWU-WRA to finance the purchase. His Honour described the money as the property of the Australian Workers’ Union and said that it was money stolen from the union” (Click here to read Mr Smith’s complaint to the Victorian Police)

    Michael Smith the content thief

    Michael Smith steals articles from other sites on an almost daily basis in clear breach of copyright laws. Under fair use policy you can take a small portion of others work and then need to put a link back to the source. That does not entitle you to take the whole post then put a link back which Mr Smith does regularly. At other times Mr Smith will take 1/4, 1/3 or 1/2 of someone else’s post then put a link back. This is still a breach of copyright law.

    The reason someone like Smith does this is that it gives his site further content which helps with traffic to his site. An example being that the extra content means his site will show up more on Google searches.

    Michael Smith is well aware of what he is doing breaks the law but does not care and he thinks he is above the law. Not exactly the type of person you want holding others to account.

    An example is the article written by Mark Baker at The Age stolen in full. (Click here to see)

    It must be noted in May and July last year I recorded interviews that Mike Smith did with Alan Jones and Ben Fordham in relation to the AWU fraud and put them on this site and YouTube. I did that because believed it was in the public interest as the issue was not getting much media attention. Michael Smith also did not have his site up and running then. Smith Jones and Fordham did get promotion from my site which also must be noted. I also copied the Michael Smith/2ue emails to Julia Gillard before 2ue took them down and published them on this site. Once again I did that becuase it was in the public interest to do so. But that is hardly in the same league as Mr Smith breaching copyright laws and taking new material on an almost daily basis from other sites.

    No respect

    Smith owes me nothing, but I have helped him a fair bit so you would think he would show at least some respect for my site and myself. That is what this section is about, he shows no respect for anyone.

    Michael Smith originally came across the AWU fraud scandal via the post I did on the 7th August 2011 although he never admits it. (Click here to read the post) When Smith first started running with the story on 2ue a follower of this site sent me a link to Smith’s broadcast and it was a clear rip off of my post. I spoke to him the next week and he admitted reading my post but not ripping it off. I did not care that he ripped it off without referencing it as it helped with the traffic to my site anyhow.

    A few weeks later Michael Smith had been suspended and then launched legal proceedings to stop 2ue from sacking him. During the course of those legal proceedings Michael Smith phoned me to ask me questions in relation to the AWU fraud and my post, such as how I knew Julia Gillard had set up the association used to funnel the stolen money through.

    When Michael Smith set up his site last year I helped promote his site even though I knew that he would unlikely promote my site given his previous form. And true to form he has never done a post putting a link back to my site nor has he ever mentioned the name of my site. In fact when he talks about the media who have been reporting on the AWU fraud he mentions many names except this site. It must ne noted that his readers do put links back to my site which he allows at times. He asked me to comment on the site when he did posts. I never have commented on his site as that is for the readers, but he obviously thought I would help his site.

    I have spoken to Smith about 4 or 5 times on the phone and exchanged a few emails. Michael Smith is not my friend and never has been and obviously after this post never will be. He owes me nothing.

    But I have helped him a reasonable amount and plenty of the content and ideas that he has put on his site originates from this site and I helped promote his site when he set it up.

    Smith thinks he can dump on anyone and do what he wants. Well this site has and always will act without fear or favour, so Smith has picked on the wrong website, even more so given I am well briefed on the AWU Gillard/Wilson fraud and can see through Smith’s lies.

    What Smith’s game is who knows? Maybe he feels he has gotten all the value out of this site and feels it is time to trash it.

    My guess though he is trying to control the thoughts of his readers with clear censorship and preaching his lies and propaganda to achieve what he wants to achieve. The problem for Mr Smith is that it near on impossible to do that on the internet and his readers will wake up to him.

    Michael Smith does not try to get to the full truth, just the truth that suites him and what he wants to achieve. That is to get Gillard at any cost.

    The full truth will only come out from a Royal Commission. I will do a follow up post relevant to the above in the very near future.

    Some people might not like what I have said about Michael Smith. That is too bad. I am entitled to defend myself and this site from continued grubby and gutless attacks by Mr Smith. Smith seems to like to attack from the shadows. He is too cowardly to even mention this sites name and only in his most recent attack has he mentioned my name.

    Make sure you follow this site by email which is on the top right of this page and about once a week you will get an email when there is a new post/story on this site.

    This site is fully funded by myself, both time wise and monetary wise. If you would like to support the continuance and growth of this site it would be greatly appreciated if you make a donation. Just click on the button below to donate via PayPal or go to the donation page for banking details for direct bank transfer or sending a cheque. (Click here to go to the donation page)
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