2gb confirms, gillard is under investigation, page-21

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    here we go again! Gillard allegedly rewarding the "it's not what you know - it's WHO you know" contacts!

    In fact, one of the panel on The Drum last night ( Source - ABC24 - 24/4/2013 - it'll appear on the transcript) - actually referred to the 'Gillard's leaving Abbott problems from the grave' (a figure of speech) with reference to problems he'll inherit - and also the reference on same program to her leaving "booby traps" for him.

    Gillard and Dreyfus are ruthlessly ploughing on with all these rushed cosy and (allegedly) crony appointments. WHY?

    Allegedly, their plan seems to be - if we ourselves are to be de-throned, at least leave as many of our troops out on the field as we can - to do damage.

    Or, as I and many allege, some are pure payback - allegedly in some instances for services rendered.

    Then there's the issue of all the "About to fall" Ministers and syocphants to be given huge departure bonuses. when one of we ants are sacked - do we get a "leaving your job" special bonus out of the public purse? No, we just starve.

    How recklessly mad, now, and how irresponsible does this current regime have to GET - before SOMEONE, some HERO, comes out of the woodwork, draws the line, and says "Enough is Enough" to this now out of control woman.

    A Labor Party deliberatly mate-stacked (or rewards for favors) Judiciary is not a Democratic institution - it's borderline dictatorship, leading to totalitarianism.

    Somebody STOP her! what does it take? Is there not one patriot, in high places, to be had?

    God, I'm angry! And had enough - of Gillard , and her constant plottings and shenanigans.
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