BLU 0.00% 0.7¢ blue energy limited.

2nd Term Labour Govt - re: Finance, page-33

  1. 6,891 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 580
    S/Be compulsory listening for "ALL" Politicians/Business People/Pro Low Emissions supporters & encourage them to "ASK" HOW are we going to get to a low emission economy? & ensure the general populace has an equal OR improved quality of life!

    The more people that are brought along for the journey, the broader cross section of society that have enough wealth(income) to secure viable quality of life, the better "ALL" of society will be!

    We need a bipartisan approach.

    It's time for economics & science to come together & make the future that we all need happen!

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0.7¢ 0.8¢ 0.7¢ $16.42K 2.311M

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