Yes I agree about risks and odds.I will have the vaccine,...

  1. 2,733 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    Yes I agree about risks and odds.
    I will have the vaccine, particularly at my age because I am more vulnerable to getting really sick if I get Covid.

    But the idea of lockdowns and restrictions is to stop the spread, regardless of being vaccinated or not, suggests little faith in vaccinations.

    If those 20% of Sand gropers were not vaccinated and that % was represented around Australia, then we will always have the uncertainty around restrictions and lockdowns caused by those 20%. And I am sure those who go on about their rights would be aghast if that 20% were singled out as the only ones to go into lockdown or have restrictions placed on them.
    I appreciate what you say in there being less chance of restrictions and lockdowns but if that was the case why the need for restrictions, and knowing how Mark McGowan works, lockdowns. I personally think the vaccination numbers will not come into his equation.
    And whilst I take your point about less chance of hospitalization, right now in WA land despite being virtually Covid clear, our hospitals are bursting at the seams. Beds are full, pregnant women are being turned away form KEMH, nursing staff are at breaking point and Mark McGowan wants to take over St John Ambulance as though it is their fault for the hospital crisis. In that way he can hide the ramping numbers etc.
    So IMO being vaccinated will not put less strain on the hospital system as no one is being admitted for Covid at present, even with no vaccinations.

    The other point I find frustrating here is the reason for just Perth and Peel south of Perth to have restrictions. Apparently all the sites visited by this latest case have been north of the river. I know people travel around, but why would someone 100Kms south of the visited sites have more chance of visiting them that some one from around 50kms north of the sites.
    I just find it frustrating.
    Anyway at the end of the day it is a personal choice and as you say weighing up personal risks.

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