3 x newspolls = 38%primary or the boot, page-3

  1. 7,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Not if the Transport Workers Union has their way. That union, - which is the one that has Qantas in its knees, - has today told us that Julia stays. So there.

    Here is how a foreign President actually regained office when his economy was on the ropes, with very high unemployment; Actual quote, only the names have been changed;

    "Julia" ran an aggressive campaign. She boosted federal spending by 28% to goose the economy and reduce unemployment, spreading the money around to favored constituencies in an effort to build a long-term majority. As a result, the annual deficit jumped 54% to $4.3 billion from $2.8 billion.

    "Julia" also attacked the wealthy, touted the future benefits of the new Social Security law and used the federal government to support her re-election.

    Sound familiar? "She" got back in.
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