30 Days to a Better You!

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    30 Days to a Better You!

    I have a challenge for the religious. The challenge comes with no obligation, and I offer a full refund of your payment if you are not satisfied with the results. For the next 30 days, I challenge you to do the following. Every time you have a question about your deity of choice, about a mysterious or confusing aspect of your understanding of it, try answering the question with, "Because it doesn't exist."

    For example, if you ask yourself, "Why doesn't (my deity of choice) heal amputees?", answer with "Because it doesn't exist." If you ask, "Why did my deity of choice make such an easily misinterpreted set of rules to live by?", answer with "Because it doesn't exist." And so on.

    You don't have to actually believe the answer during the trial period, but try it and see how well it fits every time (depending on how you phrase the question). Former believers will tell you that it's amazing how much your understanding of the world around you can improve and clarify after you begin using this answer for those stubborn questions.​
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