30%+ of non-asian buddhists are jews. why? , page-23

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 828
    The Bible is an account of a journey. The journey to salvation.

    from a Buddhist perspective, the Bible can not reached the final salvation

    this is clear by confused posts, that condemn female circumcision (an ancient albeit clumsy effort to be moral) on one hand, but also condemn prostitution (which Jesus supported) on the other hand, then, on another hand (yes, a 3rd hand) lust to post about right wing politics, which is really anti-Christ since Christ was very left wing

    such a mind shows the world makes the mind react - left, right, centre, up, down & sideways, all over the place

    Buddha spoke a parable for this:

    if a person, catching six animals of different ranges, of different habitats, were to bind them with a strong rope. Catching a snake, he would bind it with a strong rope. Catching a crocodile... a bird... a dog... a hyena... a monkey, he would bind it with a strong rope. Binding them all with a strong rope, and tying a knot in the middle, he would set chase to them.

    Then those six animals, of different ranges, of different habitats, would each pull toward its own range & habitat. The snake would pull, thinking, 'I'll go into the anthill.' The crocodile would pull, thinking, 'I'll go into the water.' The bird would pull, thinking, 'I'll fly up into the air.' The dog would pull, thinking, 'I'll go into the village.' The hyena would pull, thinking, 'I'll go into the charnel ground.' The monkey would pull, thinking, 'I'll go into the forest.'

    And when these six animals became internally exhausted, they would submit, they would surrender, they would come under the sway of whichever among them was the strongest.

    In the same way, when a monk whose mindfulness immersed in the body is undeveloped & unpursued, the eye pulls toward pleasing forms, while unpleasing forms are repellent. The ear pulls toward pleasing sounds... The nose pulls toward pleasing aromas... The tongue pulls toward pleasing flavors... The body pulls toward pleasing tactile sensations... The intellect pulls toward pleasing ideas, while unpleasing ideas are repellent. This, monks, is lack of restraint.

    Like any journey contradictory things happen and out of this contrdictions wisdom arises.

    for Buddha, wisdom was knowledge that ends suffering, as follows:

    And what is the faculty of wisdom? There is the case where a monk, a disciple of the noble ones, is discerning, endowed with discernment of arising & passing away — noble, penetrating, leading to the right ending of stress. He discerns, as it has come to be: 'This is stress... This is the origination of stress... This is the cessation of stress... This is the path of practice leading to the cessation of stress.' This is called the faculty of wisdom.


    And it is this wisdom that should lay the foundation for our lives.

    i have not noticed you post any 'wisdom' apart from blabbering like old men do about their long lost life experiences

    We have wisdom traditions in Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim cultures. I regret to say that these traditions have often fought each other violently and been the cause of great scandal.

    non-sense. wisdom traditions do not fight, at least, they do not fight over 'wisdom'. (although some sheeple may fight) the traditions that fight are the theist traditions, especially Christianity & IsXlam

    It is and was the ego in us and in religion that formed the root of this violence and scandal.

    very good...ego is certainly a dirty world & thing

    Jihad in the Muslim tradition is about laying waste the ego.

    Muslim is to surrender to Allah, just as Christ taught to give up or transfer your ego to him

    this is not ending ego but 'transferring' ego (aka brainwashing)

    only Buddhism understands ego & its cessation, completely

    And it is the massive egos of Al quaida etc that has turned this real wisom of Islam on its head...............interrperrsonal violence and mastery from the wisom of personal mastery

    non-sense. most evidence seems to show Al Queda is a CIA creation to scare the western people so CIA can keep creating wars for the oligarchs

    Buddhism teaches about investigating causes & effect. while it cannot show the truth al queda, since anything not 100% known is mere speculation, Buddhism encourages deep investigation of causes & effects, i.e., interrelationships

    al queda seems to have always helped the US-Zionist to achieve their objects so one would guess al queda is merely a CIA front

    for example, the effect of 9/11, 9/11 being the cause, was justification for starting wars all around the world

    it is said with evidence CIA financed & armed al queda in Syria & Libya so it seems so one should at least consider that instead of making prejudiced judgements


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