33 fully vaccinated !DEAD!..."pandemic of the unvaccinated", page-37

  1. 22,653 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 266
    90%+ vaxed, record cases, 33/36 dead while fully vaxed!

    Seems the vaccines don't stop the spread or death!

    Go and get another shot of the same crap fools!

    What a complete waste of money vaccines are, the ratio of 33/36 is basically the same as 90%+ vaxed, obviously the vaccine makes no difference!

    Boosters won't help imo, just the same as the first two jabs.....Wake-up people, it doesn't work! Less people are dying per case because Omricon is less deadly than the flu, it's got nothing to do with vaccines!

    Soon it will be only the vaxed in hospital as reports suggest the vaccines lower immune response, the unvaxed will gain natural immunity.

    Big rush in France and the EU to Vax everyone with force and monthly fines so a true comparison of unvaxed deaths to vaxed deaths can be hidden from the public.

    Died WITH covid not FROM covid. Wording matters people.

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