39 different genders this is your left wing, page-64

  1. 3,917 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 97
    your post 50825680
    outlines your intolerance of,
    (your description) "right wing"
    and again
    your subjective assumption (what ever is right wing? )
    is surely dependent on your perspective and position of "leftness" or "rightness"
    on any continuum of any expression of ideas.
    You are positing that,
    whomever is on the right wing of your perspective - is intolerant.
    In that, you are the one that is intolerant.

    That is a binary position in the first instance ( quite opposite to the position you are suggesting.... multi- faceted ( in the case of gender),
    and quite clearly impossible to say that, all people on the "right" wing of your position are intolerant.
    you are essentially saying, you are right, all others to the right of you (viz. not of your argument/position) are wrong.
    That is clearly either/or and thereby binary, and quite contrary to your argument on gender.
    This whole 'right wing / left wing' thing is a crock.
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