Well the statistics are not that good for moslems either. There...

  1. 1,775 Posts.
    Well the statistics are not that good for moslems either.
    There were 346 child bride marriages in Australia between 2011- 2014, and 46 genital
    Mutilations of young girls in 2014 alone, and that is only what the goverment knows about,
    when you consider the percentage of moslems in this country, and that is not counting the
    child bride marriages exposed by some of the young girls that escaped and sought refuge from the
    i tend to think that it is rife still, considering the legislation that Daniel Andrews had in victoria, which
    gave these Paedophiles, a legal loophole so charges had to be dropped when facing court.

    The victorian crimes act of 1948.
    Section 45 (c)(3).
    The sexual penetration of young girls under sixteen.

    If the person can prove beyond the balance of probability that He or She BELIEVED in their own
    MIND that they were married to the Child at the time of the offence, IT GAVE GROUNDS FOR
    Dismissal of all charges of chils sex penetration offences.
    I was the chairperson of a concerned citizens group, and we challenged Andrews to axe that
    disgusting Law.
    The reason these Paedophiles were getting off was that the procecution could not prove what
    they believed in their minds.
    He answered back, and stated that the goverment was always working on new laws to protect
    the vulnerable from the unscrupulous, and that defence you speak of has not been used for a
    while, we emailed him back and said if you are not going to axe that loophole your first email
    is a complete lie,

    So when Pauline Hanson got elected, we and other groups emailed her with this section of
    the above act.
    I must state also MSM were also contacted, and they completely ignored every email, that had
    this section above on it.
    Pauline took Andrews to task over this, and threatened to expose him, he shite himself, and had
    this loophole axed.
    I hope that all the perpetrators, Catholics, Moslems get there right whack, but after seeing
    that moslem mother in sydney only get 12 months after work home detention after she and her friend Genitaly
    Mutilated there 2 young daughters.

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