from the net.."The arrivals ended a busy 24-hour period for...

  1. 509 Posts.
    from the net..

    "The arrivals ended a busy 24-hour period for Australian Customs vessel Ocean Protector, as it was called upon to intercept four boats within 24 hours."

    what a total charade - it seems that we have a boat called "ocean protector" , which operates under some silly thing called "border protection command" - and all this from a prime minister who tells us, that she believes in "strong borders".

    ohhh - and all of the people on the boats, are taken to xmas island, where "their reasons for travel will be established"

    the boats should be intercepted , and documents should be examined - and those people without a visa should be turned back.

    john howard made a massive mistake - from memory, he excluded mainland australia from asylum seeker claims (which is why xmas island is a popular destination) - he should have designated the Australian antarctic territory , as being the location where asylum could be considered. a detention centre in the antarctic, would sort out the genuine asylum seekers, from the economic refugees.

    what a joke - before the 2007 election, rudd told us that he would turn the boats back - but when in government, he changed the rules - which, in effect, welcomed asylum seekers - gillard is going down the same road - mouthing concerns about asylum seekers but welcoming them in through the back door.

    it is great that we have navy personal racing around in little boats (launched from a larger boat eg "ocean protector" ), and boarding the invasion fleet. the reality is that we should have a team of red cross ladies, with biscuits, welcoming the invaders

    our system is so stupid, that it could be that an asylum seeker seeks compensation because he (or she) saw the navy personnel (in little dinghies ) as being threatening
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