dkit.I disagree with you on this particular part of your...

  1. 2,780 Posts.

    I disagree with you on this particular part of your post.

    "Australia is dumb enough to not continue passing."

    Sorry mate. While I get the general thrust of your argument, it is not "Australia" that is the problem.

    The problem rests solely with this incompetent Labor government and the gutless Labor Independents who support them. Let's not allow those two deep thinkers to escape responsibility.

    Gillard and co are way out of their depth. They are merely spin and rhetoric. They have no workable policy on the issue of asylum seekers and people smugglers.

    Gillard just likes to grandstand around the Region, talking to other leaders, who clearly have shafted her and her soft plans for a Regional Detention (sorry, processing) Centre.

    It will not happen, people. There will be no off shore Centre.

    The people will keep coming. Labor will be struggling to find enough places to house them. Sooner or later, if it hasn't happened already, undesirable persons with criminal intent against Australia, will come in this way and will make us pay for the stupidity of this Labor government.

    If you doubt that, look no further than France and Great Britain.

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