4 corners future of work, page-5

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    I think its more the fact we stopped buying Australian made because Chinese and imported was a few dollars cheaper.
    In the end Chinese products are not cheaper at all. A lot of it is crap and poor quality. Even now people will buy Chinese and imported goods in the supermarkets over Australian produced. NZ imports a lot of Chinese stuff and repackages it as a product of NZ and exports it.
    A few cents cheaper here and their for imported goods is the reason our manufacturing has been decimated.
    Cheap Chinese electrical wire has been installed in tens of thousands of Australian homes and is sub standard and the insulation is now falling apart and it is a fire hazard. All to save a few dollars at the start. Try selling your house with this stuff installed.
    Cheap Chinese alloy external window shades have been installed on thousands of units in Australia and has been responsible for spreading apartment fires from floor to floor. This is sub standard and breaks Australian standards regulation and has to be fixed.

    Have you used any Chinese tools lately, are the brakes on your car causing a shuddering when applied. If it is like my car the disk rotars were made in China and have to be replaced.

    Cheap sub par steel products from China. I know a farmer down the road who thought he would renew his bore casing on his well with cheap Chinese steel tubing. Had to get it taken back by the company that sold it as he couldn't screw the sections together as the threads were all bad.

    I could go on and on but if people don't start buying Australian products we will have no one to blame but ourselves.
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